Home LifestyleHealth 5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Current Mattress

5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Current Mattress

by Monica Barnes

Having the best mattress is one way to stay in the best shape possible. But, most people do not think how they are feeling can be associated with a bad mattress and bed setup. It is easy to associate back pain with the wrong office chair and not the mattress you sleep on every day. Some people find it expensive or bothersome to change their mattresses. You can clean your mattress well with some vacuuming and sun rays, but you cannot get rid of stiff shoulders or a stuffy nose from a bad mattress. Go through slumber search’s furniture studies to shop for a new mattress and other bedroom furniture. Below are signs to help you identify if you need to take action and get a new mattress for your room.

5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Current Mattress

1. Your mattress is more than ten years’ old

Mattress expectancy should reach beyond seven years for premium mattresses. For the luxury ones, you can use them for up to 10 years. High-density foam lasts longer in compassion to beds with innerspring and memory foam. Beds with innerspring mattresses can sag with aging resulting in muscle stiffness and back pains. So, if your mattress is between seven to ten years old, it is time to replace it to avoid some issues like a bad back, waking up with congestion, and other issues. A new one will ensure you sleep properly, maintain your posture, and you should choose a good one for your current needs.

2. Getting aches and pains

Getting aches and pains

How do you feel when you wake up? Do you wake up with pains and aches? If this is the case, your mattress may need replacement to get a new one for your needs. When you shop for a new mattress, you need to consider your sleeping position, medical conditions, and your weight, among other things. People who sleep on the side need a plush bed mattress like memory foam, while those who lie on their backs need a firm bed for proper support. Someone heavier in weight needs an innerspring bed. While for a lighter individual, a softer bed is okay. Remember to use pillows that support your neck and spine.

3. You have a hard time falling asleep

You have a hard time falling asleep

Anyone going through insomnia every night could be because of your bed. Having a poor-quality mattress makes it difficult for your body to relax. So, you end up tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position. When you find none, you cannot relax enough to drift off. In some cases, you will fall asleep but find yourself up in the middle of the night because of the uncomfortable position you moved into when asleep. Waking up in the middle of the night breaks your sleep cycle, affecting the quality of sleep you get. Lack of quality sleep affects both your mental and physical well-being.

4. Uneven or noisy and sagging mattress

A good mattress should be firm enough to give you adequate support. But if you notice yours is sagging suddenly on the sides or is becoming lumpy, it will not support you anymore. Also, the springs should not be noisy. And, an uneven bed makes joints and certain pressure points ache and sore when you wake up. Thus, flip your mattress at least every few months to avoid these issues, unless you cannot flip it due to the fix on the sides.

5. Feeling lethargic even after seven hours of sleep

Feeling lethargic even after seven hours of sleep

If you need a good night’s sleep and rest, you need to have a good mattress. A low-quality mattress affects the quality of rest you get and your willpower to stay awake the following day. This affects your health and way of life. When you sleep, your cells heal and replenish the body with the energy to function the next day. Thus, not getting quality sleep causes you to have low energy to work. And you struggle to keep your eyes open. So, if you are constantly yawning or dosing off the next day, it is a sign you did not sleep well the night before. Thus you need to consider checking if your mattress is the issue.

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