Home Digital Marketing Tips to Improve Your Visual Search Strategy

Tips to Improve Your Visual Search Strategy

by Monica Barnes

Did you know that images are now becoming one of the most important factors when it comes to ranking in Google Image Search? Allan Haldon, Head of Marketing at Vurb, says that interface design and user experience is also a big contributor. In this infographic you’ll get a little introduction to the new world of visual search strategy. We’ll talk about how it might affect you and your marketing strategies. Plus, we’ll give you an overview on how you get the most out of the latest innovations in visual search technology.

Tips to Improve Your Visual Search Strategy

What is visual search?

One of the most interesting shifts in how consumers are discovering new products is through visual search. Visual search technology is starting to make a big impact on the industry, and will become even more important as mobile devices and smart gadgets like Amazon Echo grow.

It is the next big trend in search and visual comparison is expected to grow by 4X (or more) reaching $23 billion per year globally by 2020. Visual search has been popular in Asia for a while now, but with Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods and Google’s announcement that they’ll also be merging image search and shopping ads, it’s clear that image search is coming soon to a major search engine near you. The impact of visual search will have multiple layers for SEOs which will require a new approach to SEO, one that will focus on content creation, optimizing pages for visual search, user experience, brand alignment, and review aggregation.

Visual search is the future of how people want to learn, explore, and discover products. People are moving away from text to visual search. Businesses that wish to compete in the visual search era must bring their strategy up to par. Visual search is not organic SEO, but it requires a large portion of SEO expertise to do it right!

There are many elements that go into a visual search strategy. If you’re looking to improve your organic rankings through visual cues, consider these tips for improving your site.

Need for image optimization in visual search

Picture SEO has become one of the most important aspects when website owners search for ways to boost their traffic. Images are one of the best ways to attract online shoppers. So it is important to be able to figure out how these images will be displayed in visual search results in order to optimize them accordingly. Although not everyone is familiar with the term “visual search”, these two phrases are all you need to know about visual search in 2018:

For marketers, the rise of visual search is making it critical to get your images “search-ready.” More than 10 million search queries are made by taking a picture, so it’s important for you to ensure that you are properly optimizing your images. You need to optimize them in such a way that they can capture and incorporate as much information as possible — especially if you intend on ranking for those searches. There are millions of images on the web, but don’t assume it’s all gravy in the world of Google image search. Optimizing images for SEO can have a positive impact in your overall image search strategy.

Size of an image in visual search results

What exactly is the size of an image in visual search results? If your business depends on your brand or designer’s website to bring new customers, you understand the challenges of having insufficient image requirements for inclusion in visual search. An image with too small is less likely to appear first in visual search results, driving traffic away. This is why you should develop a strategy for increasing the size of your images.

The size of an image that appears in a visual search results is directly related to the relevance of the image. In visual search, all images are searched for as separate entities and no image can be confused with any other image within a website. In visual search, the visual size of each area is emphasized by increasing the size of those elements which are found in those areas.
Bigger is better with visual search results. Simply put, a larger image will receive a higher click-thru rate and more traffic.


While it’s true that a picture’s worth a thousand words, it’s also worth a lot more when it comes to search results. This guest blog discussed different things you should keep in mind when optimizing for visual search, towards helping consumers find what they are looking for.

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