Home Education Memorize Quran Online

Memorize Quran Online

by Julia Rubalcava

The process of learning the Quran online is easy when a trained Quran tutor is hired to assist with instructing. The ability to memorize this Holy Quran is a dream of everyone Muslim however because of their busy schedules inconsistency, inconsistency, and lack of direction, many of our sisters and brothers do not have the time to study the goal, and it is difficult for them to finish Quran memorization. Quran recognizes the importance of memorizing the Quran and provides online classes for students to learn the Quran Online at home.

Memorize Quran Online

We, at Quran Host has designed the program Quran Memorization Online for siblings and brothers with an intense zeal and enthusiasm in learning Quran. We offer a flexible program as well as a very easy and simple method of learning The Holy Quran under the guidance of our expert online Quran instructor. You can learn the Quran quickly at home if you have time provided with complete attention. You can access lessons at any time, anywhere using your laptop, computer tablet, or mobile phone.

Our Methodology for Memorizing The Quran Online

Each session is divided into three components:

Sabaq (New Lesson)

Sabaq means new lesson. The instructor reads out several passages in the Holy Quran and the student attempts to master and remember the verses in a correct manner with proper pronunciation and accent, and then tries to remember these verses by repeating them many times. In our Quran instructor will guide the students to learn their lesson in the course of and after the Quran class as well. The student must learn this lesson before attending starting the class online next time.

Sabaqi (Revision)

Sabaqi refers to the revision of prior lessons of the Juzz that the student has learned in recent classes. The student reads loudly as the class teacher be listening to the student. Every student must repeat the Sabqi lesson for each class following the latest lesson, so that remembers the lesson thoroughly.

Manzil (Revision)

Manzil is the term used to describe the revision of any Juzz where the student is familiar with the answer already. In every class students will review loudly for at least half of the Juzz while the instructor will be listening to him. This gives both the teacher and the student an elation and confidence of the fact that the pupil is learning ever more, without losing the lessons previously learned lessons. Importance and reward of Quran Memorization

The ability to memorize The Holy Quran is a great joy and honor for every Muslim. Anyone who memorizes Qur’an, and then does something with its teachings, Allah is going to reward and will greatly honor him to the extent that his status will increase and status in Paradise to a degree that is in line with the things he learned from in the Holy Quran.

Who can take part in this Course?

Any person, male or female, who is able to understand the Holy Quran can start memorization by using Our Online Quran teachers. Highly experienced Quran instructors can help you to remember the Quran. Regular attendance at Online Quran Academy classes and revisiting the lessons following the lessons are essential to completing your memorization in a short amount of time.

Anyone who isn’t able to comprehend Quran using Tajweed are also able to join this class, however they must master Quran using Tajweed at first. When they’re proficient in the reading Quran using Tajweed then they can begin Memorizing Quran Online.

Females and children can also begin Quran Memorization Online. Children have a strong memory and are able to easily learn Quran in a short period of time. Quran Host offers Female Quran instructors for sister who wish to learn Quran Online.

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