Home Digital MarketingSocial Media How to use Composite Trends on Social Media Sites?

How to use Composite Trends on Social Media Sites?

by Monica Barnes

It is very common to see different trends on social media which are catching every eye easily. The hot or not composite trend for photos is also getting in trend for a long while now. We can see people are taking this challenge on social media sites like TikTok. You can see people are very much enthusiastic about these trends and they spend a good time on social media by using these trends daily. Although these scores of hot or not are genuinely still folk it crazy to get a good score in the same to flaunt their beauty amongst their social media friends. Here we will talk about how to use these trends on social sites especially TikTok as this is mostly trending on this platform.

Hot or not composite

What is the composite photo trend on social media sites?

TikTok’s hot or not composite photo trend is a way by which you get a score for your pictures whether you look good or not out of ten. If you are good looking then your score will be highest and similarly, those who are not good in their looks get a low score in the same. This score keep on changing for the same face and that is why there is no viability of this hot or not challenge which is trending on social media like anything. Your image is split into different pictures with mild variations and that you get a composite score for all these pictures. It happens with the help of special effects which are termed as hot or not effects on TikTok.

How a face is rated on social sites based on composite photo trends?

When you are using this hot or not trend it splits your face into a number of images and for every image, there is a beauty score assigned by the site. In case you are considered beautiful by the platform it gives you a rating like 9 or 10. The highest beauty rating is 10 and the lowest is one. But this beauty score does not remain rigid and it keeps on changing every time. That is why it is not considered real. There are people who take too many retakes to reach the perfect score in hot or not image trends. It is highly trending on social media platforms like TikTok and now other platforms are also bringing such composite photo trends to lure people.

Step-by-step guide for using composite trends on social media

If you are new to social media sites and want to try your beauty score by using hot or not composite trends then here is a guide for you. Have a look at the step-by-step guide for using the composite hot or not beauty challenge on a platform like TikTok. By the end, you will be able to take a hot or not challenge on your own without any issues. So just have a look at the following guide carefully.

  1. Open social media sites like TikTok
  2. Navigate to the discovery section
  3. Search for shape-shifting on a given space
  4. Click on the record button for a long time and keep it pressed
  5. Now use the effect suggested under Try this effect
  6. Now take the composite image having different pictures from your phone.
  7. Pause the camera on your face and record it.
  8. Your face and the picture uploaded will synchronize to give you a score out of 10
  9. Every time you will get a different score.

Here is a guide for using the hot or not composite trend on the social media platform TikTok at a glance for new people who are not having expertise in it;

Open the social media site that is your TikTok account>>Discovery>> search bar>> type shape shift>> record button>> take a picture from your phone and select>> use effect>> pause your face in front of the camera>>you will see a score for your face. Keep on trying to get a perfect score as per your choice


So this is how you can see how to try out the hot or not composite photo trend of social sites. It is very crucial for every person to keep in touch with these social media challenges. This is because if you are not paying enough attention to the new and latest trends in social media people will consider you a dumb shot in society. That is one of the main reason why we can see the youth who is very conscious about updating themselves with the latest social media trends on regular basis. If you will not be updated with these trends nobody is going to befriend you. So make sure to match your steps with the world so that you can consider yourself modern as per society.

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