Home LifestyleHealth How to Take Care of Your Health After 50

How to Take Care of Your Health After 50

by Monica Barnes

Congratulations! Your golden jubilee is here. Life after 50 comes with so much fun and good times. Make no mistake; growing older doesn’t have to translate into a decline in one’s health. This is a misconception many of us have to unlearn. You can be healthy, vibrant and sharp in your fifties. Studies show that ageing is not the problem. Rather our lifestyle choices lead to our health failures. Here are some tips on how to take care of your health at 50.

Exercise Regularly

For many people over 50, life comes with different priorities. While some may be enjoying early retirement, others may be caught up in the sandwich generation, expending their energies, time, and finances on their kids and ailing parents. Wherever the pendulum swings for you, you need to rethink your lifestyle if a huge part of your day involves sedentary activities like driving, office work, etc.

It’s important to block out some time for stretching and exercising, even with mobility challenges. Several exercises and meditation strategies exist for people living with mobility disabilities. First, ensure your chair is ergonomic and tailored to your body structure. Head to mobilitysolutions.co.uk if you need to browse through multiple mobility aids to make your final choice.

Eat Healthily

Food plays a critical role in preserving one’s overall health. For the most part, you’re what you eat. You may be exposing yourself to numerous health risks if your main meals contain more junk food. In contrast, eating a balanced diet with less saturated fats can be better.

Nutritionists recommend healthy whole grains, fruits and vegetables as good health boosters. Many people in their fifties face common health issues like chronic back and neck pains, sciatica, arthritis, etc. Many of these issues have a lot to do with joints and bones. Eating diets rich in calcium can also be a great way to keep your bones and joints from failing as you grow.

Calcium-rich foods include milk products like cheese, yogurt, fis, and nuts. Ensure to reach the daily amount of calcium recommended for men and women; a thousand mg a day for men and 1300 for women.

Have Enough Rest

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine hours of sleep each day. As an adult, how you conceptualize and treat sleep will determine whether you’re having quality sleep or not. Sleep is not an activity you engage in when you don’t have anything to do. That means you shouldn’t make sleep a reward for clearing your daily to-do list.

Rather, doctors advise adults to make conscious efforts to sleep at the same time every day. Keeping a regular sleep schedule or pattern makes it easier for your body to know the natural time to turn off, helping you avoid sleep disorders like insomnia. Experts reveal that the brain rids itself of harmful proteins like beta-amyloid related to Alzheimer’s disease.

Sleep helps you maintain weight and improve concentration levels. Religiously sticking to your sleep schedule can reduce susceptibility to heart diseases and strokes in the long run.

Minimize Negative Habits

As an adult, navigating life in your fifties, smoking and drinking don’t help your immune system repel against diseases. The earlier you give up those habits, the better for your growth. Generally, life in the fifties can be what you make it, if you take care of yourself very well. If you are struggling to quit smoking, look for less harmful alternatives like vaping or all white snus. They have helped countless of smokers quit for good.

These tips can be a great guide, pushing you to a healthier version of yourself.

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