Home Digital MarketingSocial Media How to Grow Your Instagram Followers And Community – A Simple Guide

How to Grow Your Instagram Followers And Community – A Simple Guide

by Monica Barnes

Instagram has many faces as it is used for promotional activities, to sell products or services, to showcase talent and become famous, and it goes on. But the purpose of this platform is to connect people from every part of the world and to help them socialize and build a healthy community among your followers. If you are on Instagram you may have seen accounts with more followers ranging from thousands to even millions.

How to Grow Your Instagram Followers And Community - A Simple Guide

And you might wonder about the interaction and engagement they get and ask yourself how they are doing it? There is a lot behind it. It is not just a one-day process but a long process that demands patience and effort. But there are some basic things you can follow to build a strong community and grow your followers.

Content Should Connect

Content is everything in social media. You cannot survive as a creator on this platform without good content. But sometimes good content is not enough, it should be more than that. It should connect with your audience emotionally. Emotionally means not crying or touching, but even a simple smile denotes that. It should be relatable to them. These are some ideas for you regarding how content should be

  • It should be entertaining, like in a funnier way
  • It should not hurt people personally
  • It should be factful but not misleading

Posts Should Be Engaging

The main reason to post on Instagram is engagement. Without engagement, there is no point in posting content. More than that, it is essential for you to grow your account and community. The Instagram algorithm limits the reach of your posts when your engagement rate is low. It may sound bad, but with 1 billion active monthly users they have no other choice. Obviously, your followers count will not increase when the reach is less. Since this might be a significant threat for your growth, you could resolve this easily when you get auto likes for Instagram posts keeping up good engagement rates. For further engagement, you have to use your creative ideas to craft your post in a way that attracts interactions from the viewers.

Like if you

This one is a prime tactic to get likes on Instagram. Posting a photo with this phrase or adding it in a caption with relatable content will bring more likes than you imagine. For example, if you are posting a picture with ice cream, add the caption ‘like if you are an ice cream lover’. This will bring more likes, I mean who doesn’t love ice cream?

‘Tag your’

Another type of technique that brings not only engagement but also new audiences who could become your followers. If you are about to post something related to friendship, add tag your friends below. This will not only bring more comments and likes but introduce new audiences who are potential followers.

Use Hashtags Effectively

Hashtags will take you to the top if you use them wisely. But #please #dont #use #like #this #because it will be irritating for the viewers and also this doesn’t bring any positive effect for the post. Using relevant and also trending hashtags will take your posts to explore pages where many people who are not your followers can view your posts. For that, you have to choose the correct hashtags related to your content. But you shouldn’t choose a very basic and most used one. Because most people will use that.

Use relevant hashtags. If your content is about sports you should use hashtags related to it. You shouldn’t use hashtags that are related to food there because it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t get to reach the audience of your stream but reaches different.

Don’t spam hashtags. Instagram allows you to use 30 hashtags in a post caption. But sometimes it looks spammy. It may irritate some viewers and will deliberately look like you are longing for reach. So try to keep it less in the caption. But you can add the rest in your comments. Instagram can identify when you add hashtags in comments.

Do Collaboration

Collaboration is one of the most effective tactics on Instagram. Getting a shout-out from big accounts or joining with collaborators for promotion will give you a very good reach. The first step is that you have to establish relationships with such accounts and share their works in your stories. But many influencers and big accounts will demand to be paid for this. Because they have a significant impact on their followers. No wonder many brands splash the cash on them for their marketing purposes. If you are really in need of a promotion, it’s worth a spend. It will give you more followers and a new set of audiences.


These are some ways to build a strong community and increase your followers on Instagram. This is not just an overnight process, you should keep putting your efforts constantly and better to achieve what the big accounts and influencers achieve.

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