Home Technology How Technology is Used to Improve Safety and Security

How Technology is Used to Improve Safety and Security

by Monica Barnes

There’s no doubt that technology continues to help make the world a safer place, and it appears this trend will not slow anytime soon. Technology has made it easier for individuals to connect and form collaborative relationships to improve safety and security at offices, schools, airports, and other public spaces. The following are seven ways how technology is used to improve safety and security:

How Technology is Used to Improve Safety and Security

Cross-Platform Integration of Safety & Security Data

With the rise of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile technologies, there’s no doubt that people are using their devices to stay connected with one another. This is also true regarding information technology systems used to manage safety and security data. Designers need to integrate safety and security systems with various mobile technologies to improve communication flows between these two platforms.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

It’s now easy for individuals to track down their items in real-time. Some smartphones are designed with this functionality, while on other hand, tracking devices are also becoming more popular on laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices. Even though GPS tracking is already being used by many organizations, information technology designers can do more to improve this service. Including additional features, such as tracking drivers in real-time and sending alerts when a person deviates from their usual route, will be easier for people to keep watch over their loved ones.

Artificial Intelligence

Given the rise of big data, several recent advances in artificial intelligence devices have been designed to find patterns within large sets of digital data. Those responsible for managing various safety and security programs are using these AI machines. They help them quickly identify items such as credit card fraud activity. In addition, these systems also provide decision-makers with actions they should take to improve various levels of security. Some examples include how screeners at airports could enhance their response times when screening passengers.

Social Robots

We’ve all seen how automated robots are used in manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and other industrial settings to improve productivity. The same concept is now being applied by designers using these machines to help monitor various safety and security factors. For example, one can look for abnormal activity or pat-downs at airports by employing social robots that mimic human behavior while gathering data via video cameras. This type of AI technology will be beneficial during heightened alert status periods because it can take precautionary steps such as notifying law enforcement personnel regarding the suspicious activity that may take place within a particular location.

Robotic Security Guards

Over the next few years, it is anticipated that an increasing number of crime-fighting robots will be patrolling the streets in various cities. These types of machines can gather additional data about what’s taking place within their assigned location by talking to people via biometric analysis, facial recognition, and other questionnaires. Assume a robotic security guard sees someone wandering about an office building after hours when no offices are open for business and personnel are not allowed. This type of AI technology can notify law enforcement personnel about suspicious activities occurring at this particular location.


The use of biometrics has been around for years, mainly within the government sector. However, now advanced systems are being used for safety and security conditions at schools, airports, and other public places. A good example is how some schools use biometrics to track students’ whereabouts on school campuses during school hours and after dismissal. In addition, these types of safety measures can be installed within airports to improve security by tracking who’s accessing certain secure areas of the airport terminal.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is one of the most potent tools safety and security professionals use to gather more data. This type of technology can analyze various kinds of data such as crime statistics, social media posts, and weather patterns to determine what may take place at a particular location soon.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, many technological tools are being used for safety and security purposes developed even further over the past few years. As a result, it’s essential to stay up-to-date on both the specific types of equipment being used and how they may be applied in real-world scenarios.

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