Home LifestyleHealth C-Section or Normal Delivery: What You Need to Know

C-Section or Normal Delivery: What You Need to Know

by Julia Rubalcava

The ability to bring a new life into the world is a wonder in itself. You may have met many mothers in your life and observed that every mother has their own childbirth story to tell. If you are expecting, you may hear some say a c-section is better than normal delivery, while others may disagree. Whether you should go for a vaginal or cesarean delivery, it is better that you know what these two methods are to ensure healthy childbirth.

C-Section or Normal Delivery: What You Need to Know

Before medical advancements, normal delivery was the only way of delivering a baby. Though normal delivery has its perks, a c-section is a good alternative for mothers with health complications.

The Two Methods of Childbirth

The delivery of a baby can be in two ways. One is the normal delivery (vaginal delivery), and the other way is a caesarian or c-section. To understand these two better, let’s look at the definition, advantages, disadvantages and see which one would be right for you.

Cesarean Delivery

Also called C-section, this delivery method involves a surgical procedure with an incision (horizontal or vertical) on the mother’s belly. The caesarian delivery can be planned or be an emergency measure for childbirth. If the mother shows some kinds of health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes during her pregnancy, then the doctor would suggest a planned c-section for her. However, there maybe some kinds of complications when the mother goes into labour, and the doctor may require operating an emergency or unplanned c-section on her.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to cesarean delivery concerning the mother and the baby’s health.


  • Just in case any medical complications arise, c-section delivery is the best measure to ensure the safety of the baby and the mother. This method helps in decreasing the mortality rate during childbirth.
  • The planned c-section makes delivering the baby convenient for the mother, as the doctor can help her plan or schedule the birth.
  • Moreover, cesarean delivery reduces the chances of urinary incontinence in the mother and poses a life-saving alternative for successful childbirth during complications.


  • The recovery time is prolonged, and it can take months for the mother to recover after going through a c-section. This delivery method also extends their stay in the hospitals.
  • There is a higher chance of bleeding or blood loss during the c-section operation of the mother.
  • After the delivery, the baby is likely to be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit.
  • The incisions on the belly can sometimes be painful for the mother.

Normal Delivery

In the vaginal delivery (normal delivery), the baby is pushed out of the vagina by the mother either through medical intervention or natural labour. While the c-section can be carried out in hospitals only, some mothers give birth at home through normal delivery. However that said, there can be complications during childbirth. Therefore, visiting the best hospital for normal delivery would be a wise decision to ensure the mother and the baby’s well being.

The advantages of vaginal delivery are:

  • The recovery for the mother is quick with a few days of hospital stays
  • The breastfeeding process quickly begins and ensures a physical closeness between the mother and the baby.
  • Less use of injections and surgical complications in the mothers.


  • Normal delivery can be an exhausting process for the mother, and she may also require stitches for the vaginal tear due to the stretching.
  • Some mothers may suffer from health problems like urinary incontinence and such.
  • In the case of giving birth to twins or triplets, certain health risk factors may increase in the babies and the mother.

Both methods have their pros and cons. However, the right doctors and hospital with all the required facilities will make the two procedures safe and successful.


Cesarean or vaginal delivery, the doctor always knows what’s best for you and your baby. The process of childbirth requires intensive attention and care. Therefore, you should opt for the best hospital for normal delivery. That said, you should look for essential facilities like LDR (Labor, Delivery, and Recovery) rooms, neonatal intensive care unit, a pharmacy stocked with all the necessary medicines etc. The best hospital will constitute a team of medical experts with specializations for emergencies during and after childbirth. So, consult a doctor and book your appointment today!

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