Home LifestyleHome Improvement Tips & Tricks to Creating a More Inviting Living Room

Tips & Tricks to Creating a More Inviting Living Room

by Monica Barnes

Home improvement is always a popular topic for many. Redecorating your living room is a unique way to make your own space feel refreshed and renewed. Follow these simple tips and tricks to create the ultimate inviting living room.

Add an Area Rug

One of the best ways to add to the inviting feeling in your living room is to place an area rug. Many people dislike carpeting because they feel it gets dirty and worn over time. Place an area rug in your living room, and you will see a dramatic change in appearance as it often hides dirt and adds a layer of comfort underfoot.

Add Pillows

Adding a few extra pillows is a great way to make your living room more inviting. A soft, comfy pillow can make a difference in creating an attractive living room. The pillows you choose should resemble the furniture that you have in your home.

Tips & Tricks to Creating a More Inviting Living Room

Choose Furniture Wisely

Choosing furniture is a huge part of making a space feel inviting. For smaller spaces consider adding a sofa bed. This might seem costly, but a good-quality memory foam couch can last you years. Additionally, this piece can serve as a seating space during the day and a bed at night. that will last for years and has quality pieces that are well made. By putting the quality pieces together you will know that the spots where they touch or sit are well thought out.

Add a Scent

Do some research on the scents that your home furniture and other items use. There are many scents out there to choose from, and with a bit of research, you should be able to find one that will fit your preferences. The smell can also set a mood and make it feel warm or inviting.

Large Mirrors

Many people do not have mirrors in their living rooms. It is relatively uncommon to have them throughout the home. However, mirrors can add much life to your living room. The different angles will allow you to see yourself in various ways, and it can be a great way to take a break and interact with the mirror for a short time.

Display Artwork

In most homes, the artwork is a big part of the décor. If you have the correct artwork, then it could make the living room feel more inviting or comfortable. You will want to take into consideration your style of art as well as its size. If you dislike crowded walls, you may want to keep it simple and focus on one piece only.

Open the Curtains

Allowing your curtains to remain closed all the time can make your living room feel extremely dark and claustrophobic. You are opening the curtains when not in the room will keep the light coming in and help with the inviting feeling. Just be careful not to leave them closed if you are out of town, as this could make it difficult to let in natural light.

Add Texture With a Basket

Many people overlook baskets when adding texture to their living room. These simple accessories can be an excellent way to break up the feel of a room and add a little interest. A basket can hold almost anything that you want. For example, you could put books in the basket or knick-knacks around the house.

Place Wallpapers

Instead of wallpaper in your living room, a great way to add a little something is to place large wallpapers. The larger the wallpaper, the more inviting it will be. Plus, it will cost you much less as well. If you want to dress up the place, choose a pop of colors. Going with pops of colors will make the room feel inviting and fun. It can also help to create a relaxing atmosphere as well.

Remove Clutter

A cluttered living room can make it challenging to sit down and relax. Get rid of the clutter, and you will see a dramatic change in the look of your living room. It may even feel like you have a new home to live in!


These tips and tricks will help you improve the look of your living room and make it more inviting. The best way to get the most out of these trips is to try them out yourself. Take inspiration from magazines and other resources, but do not just copy what you see. Every home is different and needs a unique design. Instead, look at it as creating your style and living environment.

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