Home Business Tips for Promoting Your Business At An Event

Tips for Promoting Your Business At An Event

by Monica Barnes

Attending a trade show or a promotional fair, is a great way to attract customers to your business. However, it can also be somewhat intimidating for small business owners, who may have concerns about how to best promote their companies, against the competition – who might also be attending the event.

Tips for Promoting Your Business At An Event

But don’t panic, here are some top ways to promote your business at an event or trade show.

Best Foot Forward

At any promotional event, you want to make a good impression. This means putting your best foot forward, in relation to flyers, posters, and even staff who attend the event with you. When printing flyers or leaflets, use print materials fit for an event; you are trying to impress people and attract new customers, not save money! So, be sure that everything in your booth is of high quality, to raise brand awareness.

Create Promotional Content

When you have a promotional event coming up, you will want to get the attention of your potential customers, weeks or even months before it occurs. So, they can know what to expect when they attend the trade show or promotional event, or who is going to be there. When at the event, use it as a platform to further promote your business. Hand out business cards, catalogs, flyers, and other promotional content. You can even go one step further and have pens created with your brand name and email printed on them.

Social Media

If you have a business or product without a social media page, you may as well be invisible! You could be panicking about getting a social media page design, but it’s not too difficult, and you can use social media to promote your business leading up to a trade show or marketing event. Why not even use social media to create a live stream of your display at the event via a video blog or vlog?

Of course, if you already have a social media page, be sure to bring attention to it at any event, as social media is one of the most widely used platforms online.


You know your business is great, and you know that what you sell is unique. But how can you make this well-known to your customers?

In years gone by, this may have meant hiring a celebrity to endorse the products or business. However, this may not be feasible, especially if your business is on the smaller side. So, why not look around on social media, to see who is the most popular influencer in your area? That way, you may be able to have them attend the event with you to promote your business.


If you have a business that is selling homemade furniture, for example, then you cannot expect the people attending the event, to take your word for it. Aim to bring along, some sample pieces which can showcase exactly, the stock you are selling. You can even have a few samples that are for sale, which can help with research and development for your business.

If your booth is not very large, you can have a catalog made, to show off the furniture that you make. Just be sure that you also have business cards with your website address, so people can go online and buy the furniture once they are back at home.

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