Home LifestyleHome Improvement The Difference Between Type X and C Drywall and Why You Need to Know

The Difference Between Type X and C Drywall and Why You Need to Know

by Julia Rubalcava

The difference between Type X and C drywall is very important to know if you are looking to buy a new home or remodel.

Type X drywall is made with a paper-based material that has been treated with fire-retardant chemicals. It is much more expensive than Type C, but it does not release toxic fumes when burned. Type C drywall is made with gypsum board, which releases toxic fumes when burned. It is cheaper than Type X and can be found in most homes in the US.

Introduction: What is the Difference between Type X and C Drywall

There are two types of drywall, Type X and Type C. The main difference between the two is the thickness of the drywall.

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Type X drywall is thicker than Type C drywall.  This means that it can withstand more damage and will last longer than Type C drywall.

Different Types of Drywall Systems

There are many types of drywall systems, so it is important to know the difference between them.

Drywall systems are classified into three categories: gypsum board, fibreboard, and metal.

  • Gypsum Board: Gypsum board is the most common type of drywall system because it is inexpensive and easy to install. It can also be painted or finished with plaster or texture.
  • Fibreboard:  is a type of drywall that has been in use since the 1930s. It was developed because it was made to be fire resistant and soundproof.
  • Metal: Metal drywalls are not commonly used today because they are expensive and difficult to install.

Benefits of Using Type X Drywall

Type X drywall has some significant benefits, including the following:

  • It has a higher fire rating than Type I or Type II drywall.
  • It is more resistant to mold and mildew.
  • It is a lot quieter than other types of drywall.
  • It does not contain asbestos, which makes it environmentally friendly.

Drawbacks for Type X Drywalls

Type X drywalls have many disadvantages. They are more expensive, which is a major drawback for the company. They are also difficult to maintain and need more maintenance than other types of drywalls.

The Benefits of Using Type C Drywalls

Since the drywall is made from a material that is not as heavy as concrete, it can be installed without the need for concrete. This means that it can be used in places where there is no space for a supporting structure. WE thank San Jose Drywall Repair for these useful insights.

Type C drywall is also an ideal solution where there are high levels of humidity. The drywall does not absorb moisture which means that mould and mildew will not grow on it.

Why is Type X Drywall Stronger Than Other Types of Wallboard?

Type X drywall is stronger than other types of wallboard because it has a more durable paper surface. The paper surface is coated with a mixture of clay and gypsum, which gives it its strength.
The type X drywall has better resistance to fire, water, and mould than other types of wallboard.

Conclusion: The Differences Between Type X And C Panelling

The conclusion of this report is that there are many differences between Type X and C panelling. The main difference is that Type X panelling is a more environmentally friendly option than C panelling because it does not contain formaldehyde. It also has a better fire rating, but it costs more.

Type X panelling was created to be more environmentally friendly than C panelling because it does not contain formaldehyde. This means that the panels can be made from different materials such as wood and bamboo which are both sustainable options. It also has a better fire rating, but it costs more than C panels.

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