Home Education The Benefits of Gaining a Doctorate in Business Administration

The Benefits of Gaining a Doctorate in Business Administration

by Monica Barnes

It’s no secret that a business administration degree of any kind provides the foundation for a lucrative, rewarding career. With that said, there’s a specific degree type that boasts a particular level of prestige no other matches: a doctorate degree.

The Benefits of Gaining a Doctorate in Business Administration

With a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), this delivers a next-level education for entrepreneurs and executives. A person in possession of a DBA is someone that essentially knows everything there is to know about ensuring a company performs optimally.

Knowledge aside, there are various other benefits gained from earning a business administration doctorate.

You don’t need an MBA

As that last step up the educational ladder, you might feel you have to progress in a certain way to earn a DBA. The good news, however, is that you don’t necessarily require a Master of Business Administration (MBA) to begin studying for a DBA. If you sign up for the Touro DBA program, for instance, it’s possible to do so with a graduate degree – regardless of the discipline.

Due to this, you can effectively take a shortcut with your business administration education, landing a more rewarding degree in the process.

Resume booster

You know that a business degree looks impressive on a resume. That’s obvious. However, when you’re applying for those top-level positions in the business world, the degree type you have can make all the difference.

Think about it: if most applicants broadcast the fact they have an MBA, how can you stand out from the competition? By one-upping them with a more reputable degree – aka a DBA. By going the extra mile, it can give you that all-important edge in landing the job of your dreams.

DBA grads are in high demand

Extending on from the previous point, a DBA graduate is one that’s in high demand. Employers are searching for the best candidates for their job positions, and those with a DBA are regarded as the best. After all, a doctor of any type instantly commands admiration and a certain level of respect.

Simply put, if you’re searching for a way to add weight to a job application, a business doctorate is an excellent credential to have in your repertoire.

The pathway to a lucrative salary

Yes, it’s an obvious point, but that doesn’t mean you should forget the bump in wages that typically comes with having a degree. This is certainly the case when in possession of a DBA. Right now, it is said the average annual base salary for a DBA graduate sits comfortably above $100,000.

Of course, that figure can jump much higher with added experience and niche specialization.

Learn the skills to run your own business

As well as providing a golden pathway towards lucrative job positions, a DBA delivers you with the skills and knowledge to one day run your own business successfully. It is also advantageous when trying to attract funding. If investors see you have a DBA, they will be confident you are professional, well-credentialed, and someone who can return their investment within the specified timeframe.

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