Home Education Some Islamic Lifestyle Facts You May Not Know

Some Islamic Lifestyle Facts You May Not Know

by Monica Barnes

The religion Islam is very famous today, due to which people want to know more about this religion. Although Muslims are spread all across the world, still people have myths about Islam.

Today it has become easy to learn Quran online, making it an affordable and flexible opportunity to learn The Quran with ease. Although Islam is everywhere, still there might be Islamic facts you may not know.

This Islamic lifestyle facts article is to enhance your Islamic knowledge as you will find some amazing facts about Islam that you might be unaware of in history.

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Let’s start with some amazing Islamic facts you may not know!

The Meaning Of Islam Is Peace

Islam began in Mecca through the Holy Prophet. The word Islam itself means peace. It also means security as well as surrender. The word Muslim means to surrender and preach to Allah.

Muslim is not about race, gender, or origin, as many people may think of it as a race or specific category. You have to only practice the five pillars of Islam to become a follower of Islam or a good Muslim.

The pillars include the following basics:

  • You have to pray five times a day regularly.
  • You have to declare or have the belief that your faith in one God only.
  • You have to give two point five percent of your income or wealth to the poor every year.
  • You have to perform Hajj once in a lifetime.
  • You have to keep fast every day in the month of Ramadan.

No Oppression Of Women In Islam

Most people having less awareness believe there is suppression of women in Islam. In reality, the fact you may not know is that there is no oppression of women, instead, they have full freedom and rights in comparison to men.
There is no prohibition of women that they can not earn, instead in reality they have the right to earn and become independent. Women have all the rights to gain education in Islam.

One of the sayings of the prophet about women is that the best person is the one who treats his wife best. It clears that there is no oppression of women in Islam as they have the right to everything as men.

Arranged Marriages Are Allowed In Islam

The concept of arranged marriage is present in Islam and parts of the world, as some Muslims still practice this concept of arranged marriage. One of the major requirements or conditions of marriage in Islam is the consent of both individuals.

There is a negative concept about divorce in Islam that is wrongly present in the minds. You can always agree to file for a divorce by any of both individuals as there is no restraining in Islam.

You only have to follow a few guidelines for divorce in Islam. These requirements apply to all the individuals affected in Islam, such as men, women, and children.

Muslim Means SurrendingTo Allah

A Surrender to God is the simple meaning of Muslim. The surrender involves humans, which we all know, but you may not that it also means the surrender of plants as well as animals.

God in Arabic means Allah, so you may say it as the surrender of the living things towards Allah is the true Muslim. Allah has ninety-nine names as we all know, but you may not know that each name has a unique meaning to understand its importance.

Daughters Are A Blessing In Islam

We all know that in some parts of the world, people believe in burning the girl child alive or not loving the birth of the girl child. The irony is that a few believe that it is allowed in Islam, whereas Islam is completely against the concept of disrespecting daughters.

All the rumors and myths of the concept of girls in Islam are wrong, as Islam believes that the daughter is a blessing in every household. Islam gives all equal rights to daughters and sons as there is no discrimination in the religion Islam.

Islam Is All About Peace& Love, Not War

The basis of Islam is peace and not war. The religion Islam teaches every human being to be kind to other people, its neighbors, and every individual, be it Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

Islam teaches us to take care of our neighbors and not just live beside them as other human beings not knowing each other as it also enhances brotherhood.

Final Words: Islamic Facts You May Not Know

This Islamic facts article is all you need if you are looking for more awareness of Islam, as this Islamic facts article is a must-read for every non-muslim. It will clear all your basic doubts and myths about Islam.

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