Home Digital Marketing How to Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Digital Marketing?

How to Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Digital Marketing?

by Monica Barnes

Once businesses move their marketing to the web, they quickly discover how hard of a task it is to focus on. In the past, eCommerce marketing used to involve spamming thousands of people. To solve that problem, you need to gather enough data to extract actionable information about the market and its customers. Neither has been easy.

How to Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Digital Marketing

Are you starting an offline business? If you find it hard to get hold of data, gather data from a variety of places or ask the right questions because you have so much of it, well, now there’s AI!

Small businesses are often the ones that lack data and suffer from it. PPC marketing is highly dependent on strong focus and conversion rates. In other words, you need market intelligence to get the right clicks and to achieve an efficient customer journey.

AI will most definitely change marketing

An early pioneer of department store retailing, John Wanamaker, is credited with saying: ‘Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half. It’s been shown that artificial intelligence can start to learn the patterns of what consumers like and will display more personalized items. Our Hull marketing agency can give you the help you need to use the power of content marketing for your business.

It’s not just about matching customers and products: AI can be used to collect data and make the customer experience even better on your website.

An example with optical recognition systems. It’s more cost-effective to link CCTV networks to an AI system that can recognize faces. This way, you’ll be able to single out your most loyal customers, as well as their interests and aversions. That profile information can then be used to tailor your physical store as well as your online one and provide the best possible experience.

One example of AI that improves customer experience is chatbots. AI-powered chatbots are mostly indistinguishable from humans and provide a higher level of service. Therefore, every digital marketing company is making use of these tools. Applying artificial intelligence to customer service can help you achieve a personal touch throughout the day. You can also identify any returning customers and greet them by name in order to provide better service.

Our Hull marketing agency

The irony is that in post-COVID days, when online shopping, working, and communication have become the norm, you still notice that it’s nice to occasionally see a person face to face. AI will probably change that one day, but until then, companies in the Hull area are more likely to end up opening a dialogue with a marketing agency in Hull. We work hard to make sure our software is accessible and easy to use so that you can have an easy time every day. We believe it takes a global team to make this happen, so we’re all in this together. Contact Eyeweb today.

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