Home LifestyleHealth How to Know If You are Suffering from Dementia?

How to Know If You are Suffering from Dementia?

by Monica Barnes

In India, mental health is a topic that is usually overlooked. Most people are hesitant to discuss their mental health publicly or seek therapy when necessary. Talking to a therapist, seeing a psychiatrist, or seeing a psychologist is considered taboo, and they think it is reserved for the mentally disabled.

On the other hand, the reality and facts are distant from these. Many illnesses are considered mental health disorders that necessitate recognition and early detection.

How to Know If You are Suffering from Dementia

Disorders such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Schizophrenia, Addiction, Dementia, and others can be easily diagnosed and controlled if detected early on, providing patients an advantage.

Typically, this is a very common disease in elders, and if you are not careful about the early signs of this disease, you may succumb to this disease.

So, how can you find out whether you have this disease and seek Dementia Treatment?

It is easy to detect this disease, and you just need to look for some signs. If these signs are prominent in your life, then the odds are that you have started to lose your memory.

The signs are:

Memory loss that disturbs your daily routine

If you forget about things that are regular tasks in your life, such as appointments, co-worker’s name, usual route to a place, etc., it’s a sign to worry about. It means you have difficulty recalling old and new information.

Difficulty in doing usual tasks

Forgetting the usual things such as getting dressed, preparing a meal for lunch, and drinking your morning coffee is a sign that dementia is getting stronger.

Language issues

If you forget words to express some emotions, that’s a big problem. Forgetting words or synonyms is a severe issue of Alzheimer’s disease as well.

Time and space disorientation

In case you are getting lost in familiar places and don’t remember the day, it is a more advanced stage in this disease. You must immediately consult a doctor.

Judgment impairment

Things such as wearing heavy clothing in summer and drinking hot drinks without letting it cool down are signs you forgot the basic things in life. These things are experienced and learned in life, and if you have trouble making these decisions, it’s time to see a doctor.

Incapable of abstract thinking

Forgetting signs and symbols on the road and being unable to read and articulate your checkbook may be a sign of the beginning stage of Alzheimer’s disease. It is essential to take a rest and consult a psychiatrist soon.

Misplacing things

Forgetting the place where a particular thing belongs is a sign of dementia. If you are misplacing things frequently, you should stop doing house chores and focus on getting the memory and health back, and visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Mood and behavior change

A sudden change in mood and temperament could be a sign too. If you are getting upset or angry quickly without any particular reason, it could be because of memory alteration or misunderstanding of something happening around you.

Loss of initiative

If you frequently cancel plans to go out with friends and miss their calls, you might be suffering from this disease. One’s personality and initiative mentality changes with the loss of memory. It is difficult to understand the surroundings and engage with people when you continuously lose memory.

If these signs are prominent in your life, you must look for Alzheimer’s treatment as soon as possible. Ignoring this disease can lead to serious health conditions and complete memory loss.

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