Home LifestyleFood & Nutrition How to Create DIY Backyard Chicken Coop?

How to Create DIY Backyard Chicken Coop?

by Monica Barnes

A chicken coop is a shelter where chickens are kept. Chickens are usually allowed to roam free in an enclosed coop area. This differs from traditional chicken houses, which tend to be freestanding buildings with a minimum of four walls and open tops on all sides. Here is how to create a DIY backyard chicken coop.

Prepare the Ground

The ground should be prepared, so it is easy to dig out any dirt. Use the shovel to dig out the ground and ensure you have not hit any rocks. After digging out dirt, add some compost to improve the soil quality. You can also use sand or pea gravel instead of compost.

How to Create DIY Backyard Chicken Coop

Choose Materials

The coop should be made out of wood and should be small enough to fit in the size of your backyard. The type of wood a chicken coop is made of can also determine the budget you will have to spend on it. Different wood types have been proven to last longer than others, such as pressure-treated wood or cedar.

Put Up a Frame

The frame is the coop’s base and can be wood or metal. You can use a plywood sheet as the foundation of your coop and then attach it to the frame.

Attach a Chicken Wire

The chicken wire is attached to four sides of the frame but not on top. The top should be wide enough so that you can get in to clean or feed your chickens. The chicken wire should not be too long that it would reach up to the roof. It should only stick out of the top at least ½ inch and should not go past 4 inches high above the frame. Ensure you do not attach the chicken wire to the frame with nails or screws.

Add Siding

Siding should be attached to both sides, each corner, and on top of the frame before adding any other wood. Siding should be added in a way that it overlaps itself. This is the best way to keep out unwanted pests. The siding should not be attached to the frame with nails or screws but with water-based glue. This can be made with reinforced poly sheeting so it will not leak.

Make a Strong Roof

The coop’s roof is siding that sticks out 2 inches from the walls and extends over the top of the chicken wire. The material used for this is usually plywood and comes in various thicknesses. The best way to make your roof sturdy is with treated wood or cedar.

Add Flooring

The flooring is attached to the bottom of the walls, usually made out of plywood or engineered wood. You must find a way to get in and out of your coop quickly, without any problem. Floorboards should be placed so there are no gaps for chickens or rodents to crawl through.

Add a Door

A door should be added so that you have a way to get in and out of the coop. The best way to do this is to cut 2x4s inside the frame and then attach plywood outside. You should also ensure you have made the door latch heavy enough, so your chickens do not easily open it.

Attach Nesting Boxes

Nest boxes should be attached to each side of your coop. These should be wooden boxes placed high enough for chickens not to roost in them and ensure enough space for them to lay eggs comfortably. This should be placed at least 12 inches above the ground and have enough ventilation with a swinging door.


The area should be made appealing to chickens with different accessories. You can add a roosting area, a sandbox, and a perch. The sandbox should be used to keep the chickens in the coop and filled with sand or dirt. A perch is also added so that your chickens can rest comfortably if they decide to fly up there. The roosting area should have non-slip materials that they can walk on easily.

In conclusion, building your coop is not as complicated as you think, and in the end, it will be a fun project for you and your family. Don’t forget to keep up with maintenance, such as cleaning and repairing, so that it will not get out of hand.

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