Home BusinessCareer/Job Here Is What You Need To Know About Career Guidance And Its Importance

Here Is What You Need To Know About Career Guidance And Its Importance

by Monica Barnes

We all need guidance in our life. When we are all stuck up at some point, we need enlightenment from our close ones to tackle the situation and ace the problems. Right from the beginning of the baby steps to the end of our lives, we need advice from the right people, and we will also be the right person in someone’s life by giving guidance to people in need. It is an infinite circle. Career guidance from Best Career Counselling in India is given to students, graduates and working professionals who require it. Unlike advice given to the other issues of our lives by random friends, relatives and parents, people should not take career guidance lightly. Some professionals offer their knowledge and time to counsel people who are desperate to change their career lives. They are known as Career Counsellors, Career Mentor, etc. And the process they carry out is known as Career Counselling.

Here is what you need to know about career guidance and its importance

What do you know about Career Guidance?

Career Guidance is a scientific process which helps students, graduates, and working professionals know their strengths and weaknesses. We all would have come across some persons who are good at everything but don’t excel in anything. They stay stagnant all their lives. All they need is a career boost. Career Guidance from Best Career Counselling in Bangalore can be eye-opening for people who need to shape their careers. People should understand that they are just one step away from their career dream and should grab the opportunity by sitting with an educational expert and learning how to turn their dreams into reality. A career guide will come up with plenty of career options available and make students understand the scope, including the job opportunities, place of work, salary insights, etc.

What does a Career Mentor do?

Career Counsellor follows a procedure to conduct beneficial career counselling for students, working professionals, and graduates. To begin the process, they start with psychometric assessments. Also known as career aptitude tests, the estimates are entirely different from the usual exams we undergo in schools or colleges. Psychometric Assessments help analyse the analytical, critical, numerical skills, etc., and make students understand their ability, passion, interests and skills based on their values and background. A career mentor can also improve the overall personality of the clients by boosting their confidence and esteem levels. A complete changeover after attending a single counselling session will give the clients clarity on what they must do next.

What do you know about Psychometric Assessments?

Simply put, psychometric assessments help bring out the potential of the person who takes the test. It also helps people evaluate their cognitive ability, personality, overall behaviour, etc. The primary purpose of psychometric tests is to analyse the person’s interests, abilities, passion, strengths, and weaknesses. The methods used by Career Counselling in India are personality questionnaires, numerical and diagrammatic reasoning, critical thinking, verbal reasoning test, etc.

Who needs career guidance?

Career counselling is not only for school students but also extends to college graduates and working professionals. Listed below are the pointers for you to check if you need career counselling or not.

  • If you are a student of 8th grade to 10th grade and do not know what stream to choose for your higher secondary.
  • If you are a student of 11th grade to 12th grade and confused about what course to opt for in your college.
  • If you are a graduate and do not know what major to choose for your master’s degree.
  • If you are a graduate and want to know about the opportunities abroad, including admission, college, place of study, etc.
  • If you are a graduate and not satisfied with the course, you are pursuing and want to switch to a different stream.
  • If you are a graduate and want to enhance your interview skills and build your perfect resume.
  • If you are a working professional and not satisfied with your current job.
  • If you are a working professional and do not like the work culture.
  • If you are a working professional and want to switch to another job.
  • If you are a graduate or a working professional who wants to turn your passion into profession.

Significance of Career Guidance:

● For School Students:

School is the place where students discover their passion and interests. They will be excited and eager to turn their dream into their career. But due to a lack of awareness among their parents, relatives and friends, students do not get encouraged for their bloomed vision. They do not get their parent’s approval, so they drop their decision and pick up the stream and course their parents want. Career guidance for school students has two parts: 8th to 10th and 11th to 12th. With the proper counselling, students can pick up the right stream (Science, Commerce, Arts) for themselves and choose a perfect course for college accordingly. The career mentoring sessions’ purpose is to make the students their own coaches.

● For College Graduates:

College is another milestone in a student’s life. Students get a job and settle in life based on their choice of course. If they haven’t chosen the right degree, they will ultimately be doomed. But that also doesn’t mean it is an end. Counselling comes in handy for them to polish their passion. Career guidance from Best Career Counselling in Patna can help college graduates unsatisfied with their current course by giving them alternate options to pursue further by connecting with their interests. The most important aspect of college graduates’ life is to get a job. Preparing an appealing resume and practising interview skills are essential for the graduates to bag their dream job. Mentors can help with the same and assist in their abroad dreams by suggesting details regarding admissions, colleges and courses to them.

● For Working Professionals:

Career Counselling for working professionals can be a booster to enhance their skills and abilities. For some workers, the workplace can be a headache, and they feel like they do not fit into the specific work culture. On the other hand, they might not be interested in working with their team or the work itself. Inadequacy of work indirectly affects the company’s growth. They will become a burden to their company with their fewer efforts produced. Career counselling can help the workers polish their lost skills and abilities and teach them interpersonal, life skills, board evaluation tool etc. Counselling sessions will assist the working professionals in developing new habits and staying in the same company by enhancing their overall self or encouraging them to move to another company, where they feel they can do better with their utmost dedication.

Wrap Up:

Career Counselling is a must for students, graduates and working professionals these days. There is nothing in this world right now regarding careers like there are no solutions. With the proper career counselling and guidance from Career Counselling in India, students, working professionals, and graduates can polish their skills and abilities to become successful in their lives.

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