Home LifestyleHome Improvement Four Ways to Heighten Home Security

Four Ways to Heighten Home Security

by Monica Barnes

Whether you’re living in a city center, the heart of the suburbs, or even the sole occupier of a lighthouse on the coast, home security isn’t only a practical consideration, but one that, should it fail, can severely impact your mental health.

With that said, learning some key ways and means of reducing the chance of your home becoming the unwanted target of thieves can only serve to aid your peace of mind, so here are fourways to heighten home security.

1. Install Motion Sensor Lights

Often, thieves are small groups of teenagers with misguided ideas of what to do with their time and will walk along the sidewalk trying every car door and every house door on the off chance that one will open.

An affordable, relatively simple, yet wonderfully effective way of deterring such opportunists is to install motion sensor security lights, both over the front and the back doors to your home. Being ensconced in a bright spotlight as you’re about to break into a property won’t put off everyone but will certainly reduce the likelihood that they will continue.

2. Secure Your Car Too

Even if you’ve responsibly made sure that your car keys are hidden from view from the front and back windows and that they’re safely kept in a random drawer, this won’t stop determined car jackers from stealing your vehicle.

To effectively counteract this, contact tracking doctor for the latest in auto tracking software, including a ghost immobilizer to prevent any car jacker from actually driving your car. In addition, make sure you never leave anything on show on the back or front seats and that you always lock your doors.

3. Close the Blinds & Curtains

Next, unless you are physically present in the home, it’s also advisable to ensure the curtains and blinds are closed, as thieves walking past surveying each property are more likely to think that you’re at home, even if you’re not.

Even when you’re there and the windows are open on a hot summer’s day, make sure that there are no valuables on display on the ground floor and that if you’re upstairs, your front and back doors are locked, or at least on the latch.

4. Invest in a Smart Doorbell

For people who are somewhat resistant to the virtual takeover of technology in both a professional and a private context, investing in a piece of technology to fix to the outside of your property may not be desirable.

However, smart doorbells are not only easy to install and very affordable, but they also act as a burglar deterrent, even if the battery is flat or it isn’t actually connected to your phone or tablet.

When connected, however, not only can you use the smart doorbell to inspect any suspicious movement on your land, but you can also view the footage wherever you are in the world, as well as communicate with any couriers who come knocking.

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