Home LifestyleHealth Effect of Taking Trenbolone

Effect of Taking Trenbolone

by Monica Barnes

Trenbolone is an anabolic androgenic steroid, which is produced in the form of ester derivatives. It is characterized by a high binding value, which is 5 times higher than that of testosterone. It is one of the most effective when gaining muscle mass. It makes the flight stronger. Do not forget about the side effects of this drug, which are very active in case of non-compliance with the recommended dosage and duration of use. Another reason for trenbolone’s popularity is its zero estrogenic activity and lack of conversion when exposed to aromatase. All this allows not to worry about excess fluid accumulation in the body. You have a great opportunity to buy trenbolone price on this site best.

Effect of Taking Trenbolone

Effectiveness of Trenbolone

Professional bodybuilders take the product for the following purposes

  • To achieve an increase in muscle mass. This figure can be up to 10 kg (subject to the Trenbolon Solo course);
  • To get rid of excessive fat deposits. Increased reduction is possible due to activation of growth hormone production;
  • Increases libido and sexual desire. After the withdrawal of the drug, the production of testosterone decreases in the body. Increases insulin growth factor by a factor of 2;
  • Reduces cortisol concentration;
  • Increase in strength.

Action mechanism

Trenbolone’s chemical structure makes it resistant to aromatic enzymes (conversion to estrogen), so absolutely no percentage of trenbolone is converted to estrogen. Taking Trenbolone will not promote estrogenic side effects such as growth of male breast tissue (gynecomastia, pimples), accelerated fat gain, decreased fat breakdown, and fluid retention. Trenbolone is also resistant to the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, this enzyme reverts certain steroid hormones to a more androgenic form, but in this case it doesn’t matter. Trenbolone has an androgen ratio of 500. It can easily cause unwanted androgenic side effects in people prone to hair loss, enlarged prostate, oily skin, and acne.

Unfortunately, the potential negative side effects of trenbolone do not end there. Trenbolone is also a marked progestogen: it binds to the female sex hormone receptor, progesterone (with about 60% of the actual strength of progesterone). In sensitive individuals, this can lead to abdominal bloating and breast growth, and even worse, the active trenbolone metabolite 17beta-trenbolone has a progesterone receptor (PgR) binding affinity that is actually greater than progesterone itself. But there is no need to panic, the anti-estrogens letrzol or fulvestrant can reduce progesterone levels and combat possible progesterone side effects. The use of a 19-nor compound such as trenbolone also increases prolactin &. bromocriptine or cabergoline are often recommended to lower prolactin levels. Testicular atrophy (shrunken balls) may also occur; intermittent administration of hCG throughout the cycle can prevent this. For tren users, it is also advisable to closely monitor cholesterol levels as well as kidney function and liver enzymes, as tren can negatively affect all of these functions. Finaplix, being a potent progestogen, also suppresses natural testosterone production, which even at a relatively low dose, and keeps testosterone levels suppressed for a long time, which can reduce libido and cause erectile dysfunction.

Trenbolone Solo Course

The advantage of this course is its great power. It is not suitable for beginners and women. Remember that the higher the dose used, the greater the risk of side effects. In order for the course to be as safe as possible, all recommendations should be followed.

  • Do not increase the optimal dosage of the drug in order to achieve a better and faster effect – this will only lead to negative repercussions. A maximum of 50 mg of acetate and 300 mg of enanthate can be taken per day;
  • Start taking the product with a minimum dose and then gradually increase it until the desired level is reached. This allows the body to adapt properly, and if a side effect occurs, you should stop treatment immediately;
  • If the steroid is taken for more than 5 weeks, one can start the second week with a dose of 500-1000 IU of gonadotropin and so on until the third week after the end of treatment.

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