Home LifestyleHome Improvement A Step-by-Step Guide to Maintaining your Antique Fireplace

A Step-by-Step Guide to Maintaining your Antique Fireplace

by Monica Barnes

When it comes to beautiful and aesthetic appeal, the antique fireplace and its accessories are up there with the best. If you’re fortunate to have one, you should treat it with the utmost care it deserves. Here are tips to ensure that your antique fireplace is maintained:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Maintaining your Antique Fireplace

• The first thing to know is that you have to make sure the fires have been unlit and have become cold before you can start any cleaning.

It is highly recommended that you put on protective goggles, facemask and gloves before cleaning. This is to serve as protection against dust as well as other irritants.

Use sheaths of plastic to cover up all the surrounding areas so as to protect furniture and carpets. You should also remove the grate and andirons and carry them outside. To clean off dirt and soot, use a nylon brush.

• Make use of a brush and dustpan to discard of the ashes in the fireplace.

Before doing this, you can pour used coffee grounds on the ashes so that it doesn’t spread everywhere when you’re packing it into the dustpan.

Examine the insulating fire bricks on the back and sides of the fireplace. Any brick that has become badly damaged should be replaced, but the ones with chips and cracks can be repaired with fire cement. The replaced bricks should be dry. To cure the cement used, you might have to light up the fireplace (after you’re done cleaning of course).

• As for the fireplace surroundings and the mantelpiece, you should clean it with the help of a soft cloth.

You could also use the brush that comes with your vacuum cleaner (although the soft cloth is more preferable). If you own a marble fireplace, you should clean it by using a very mild detergent. Due to marble’s porous nature, you’ll have to wipe up any stain as soon as it occurs.

It might look beautiful to put candles on top the hearth of antique fireplaces, but it is important that you don’t allow the wax to build up as this could become a fire hazard. Use a scraper to remove the wax. Hold it at an acute angle so it doesn’t scratch the hearth. If the wax has entered the grout, you could use a hairdryer to melt the wax and clean it with paper towels.

• Use a steel brush to clean off rusty metals.

After this, apply grate polish with a brush. You should then leave it for up to an hour and then use a bristle brush to polish it. You should take note that grate polish can stain, so it is advisable that you make use of it sparingly. Stove paint can be an alternative to grate polish – especially if you want a result that lasts longer.

A lot of antique fireplaces have a lot of value – so they require the utmost care and expertise to clean and maintain them. If your fireplace falls into this category, then it is recommended that you make use of an expert to clean it.

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