Home Other Vital Information for First-Time Drivers

Vital Information for First-Time Drivers

by Monica Barnes

Perhaps you have only just qualified and are excitedly preparing to get on the road for the first time on your own? Alternatively, maybe you passed your driving test a few months ago, or even longer and have finally been able to save enough money for a car?

Driving, on your own and out of the comfort and relative safety of your own neighborhood, is a serious business and safety should always be of the optimum priority.

With that being said, here is some vital information for first-time drivers.

Consider Yourself on Probation

Perhaps the easiest way of describing how you should approach your first few months of driving on your own is to consistently consider yourself to be on driving probation.

If you do have a small accident or, indeed, reverse into a mailbox, for example, the police and relevant authorities will conduct a thorough investigation into what you did, or did not, do wrong, as you are a new driver. In fairness, this can also work in your favour, as often brand-new drivers may be treated more kindly, but it can go the other way too, so be on your guard!

Choose Your Car Insurance Carefully

Car insurance is not only a legal requirement, but the most important protection you have, both for your car and your bank account, so make sure you take the time to shop around, not only on the internet but on the telephone too.

Petruzelo Ins will provide you with competitive online quotes for auto insurance, offering different levels of cover and extra perks, all customized to your own individual driving needs.

It may be interesting to know that, on average, for a US citizen aged between twenty and sixty with a clean driving license, car insurance generally ranges between $170 and $190 per month.

Take the Additional Highway Driving Test

Another excellent suggestion for first-time drivers is to invest into the additional, highway, test, which will be a six or seven hour long practical driving test specifically designed to heighten your awareness and driving skills in more stressful and generally busier driving conditions.

As long as you apply to take the test within a year of passing your original driving test, you will benefit from heightened awareness and confidence when driving on the highway, as well a potentially cheaper insurance premiums and lower insurance costs.

Be Sensible When Buying Your First Car

Finally, when it comes to buying your very first vehicle, you seriously need to be sensible, especially regarding the engine size and overall aesthetics of any car you purchase.

Even for the ultimate petrol-heads, when heading out on your first few solo trips, you need to be in a sensibly small, unassuming and cheap-to-run vehicle whilst you learn your own personal driving style and become completely confident. This is not to say, however, that you should buy and old banger with the wing mirror hanging off and scratched, mismatched paintwork, just that you do not concentrate more on how you look than your safety on the road.

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