Home Education How To Prepare For Duolingo in 15 Days

How To Prepare For Duolingo in 15 Days

by Julia Rubalcava

Due to the global pandemic COVID-19 and its waves, many universities abroad have allowed the Duolingo English language test as an alternative to TOEFL and IELTS. For students that have not attempted a standardized test, it is a perfect time to go for the Duolingo test. Compared to tests like TOEFL and IELTS, this is a much more accessible and easier option. However, taking it for granted is not something recommended.

Duolingo English Language Test

Many students take Duolingo tests as online test paneer that follows a standard format. Due to misconceptions, many students fail to get a quality score. A score above 120 is considered good In terms of IELTS, and it is somewhere around band 7. The universities abroad also use this system to judge your scores. Your peers will be considered before you in your admission if you fail to present a quality score, like in TOEFL and IELTS.

Duolingo English test

Start preparing now if you plan to apply for a university abroad that accepts the Duolingo test as an alternative. 15 days is not enough for a Duolingo English test because it will not give enough time to go for multiple attempts. It would be best if you put your 100% focus on it. Just because the test is not as tough as its alternative, you don’t have to neglect its importance. In current times, it is highly accessible in the palm of your hand. Use the factors to your advantage and score big marks on the Duolingo English test.

How to Prepare for Duolingo in 15 Days

Like any other test, the essential things to focus on are time management, accuracy, relevance, etc. However, due to the different nature of DET, you will need to know some specific points. These will help you to prepare for Duolingo in 15 days.

Time is a Big Factor Here

The entire Duolingo test takes around an hour to complete. The Duolingo English Test (DET) is measured on a scale of 10-160, scored in 5 point accretions. Just like TOEFL and IELTS, DET also has different sections. However, the test is not very long and includes a limited number of questions. Therefore, except for your overall score, the subscores also matter here. Remember to keep your answers relevant and don’t waste too much time on a single question or section.

You run out of time even with less content because it’s around one-hour total. You do not necessarily require a prominent strategy in DET; however, time management is crucial here.

Prepare Accordingly the Test Structure

The adaptive section of DET lasts for 45 minutes. It includes listening, writing, speaking, reading, and assessing your performance accordingly. If you leave out any one section, it will be unfortunate to endure. Because with this 45 minutes, a 10-minutes long video interview also takes place. It is done to record your response to open-ended questions. With all this, you hardly get any time to revise your content. Therefore your preparation must include precision training instead of a steady plan.

One thing to notice is that DET test questions are different from TOEFL and IELTS. Instead of separate assessments, Duolingo assesses mixed skills in every question; this is due to less content and time.

Do Not Rush

You will get two optional topics for your video interview and writing sample. You will be choosing to speak for one-three minutes while the other requires that it takes up to five minutes. A time will be given to keep track of your doing. The significant thing here is not to get frustrated. If you feel your responses are not up to par, you have the option to retake the test. Also, there will be some time to review your reply before you submit it.

Do not rush into questions for interviews. You are given multiple chances for the test, so use it. Unlike the TOEFL and IELTS test, DET is more accessible and straightforward. In addition, you will not have to spend resources to take the test. However, taking the option to retake the test for granted is not a smart move.


The Duolingo English Test is very relevant to the current generation of students. It is present online in the form of a mobile app. Therefore, learning and preparing for it would not be as complex as other standardized tests. Use everything to your comfort as possible.

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