Home Business Employee Engagement Trends you Have to Try in 2023

Employee Engagement Trends you Have to Try in 2023

by Monica Barnes

Employee engagement is one of the factors that most companies overlooked, but with the Covid-19 outbreak, all this came to a change. People were forced to work from remote places and this made it very difficult for employers to supervise their workers. Employers had to find ways to actively engage their employees in order to maintain the quality and quantity of their work. In this article, you are going to learn some of the ways to improve your employee engagement in 2023.

Employee Engagement Trends you Have to Try in 2022

1. Reinvent leadership skills

As an employer, how you relate to your employees directly affects the output you receive. Most people tend to quit their jobs not because of low salaries or any other factors but due to the work environment. During the covid period, things became very difficult and a strenuous job wouldn’t help the situation. Redescribing leadership in your organization from an authoritative and mean boss, to an understanding and approachable leader would help with the sales and productivity of your organization. Therefore, leadership training singapore will offer sessions and courses to help you build effective leadership skills. This opens up your relationship with them which in turn leads to lesser accidents at the workplace, improved employee retention, increased profits, and better employment ability among other factors. It also helps you understand your workers better hence you can maximize on their strongholds.

2. Employee motivation

To be able to motivate your workers effectively, you must first learn what they need. This can be made easier by studying Maslow`s hierarchy of needs which helps you narrow down on ways you can use it. The components of the hierarchy are:

Physiological needs

These are the basic needs of life comprising of food, water, and shelter. As an employee, ensuring that your workers are not lacking in any of this guarantees a focused worker hence quality work accomplished.

Safety needs

Your staff needs to feel secure and relaxed while in the working environment to focus. Improving the security around your organization makes your workers feel safer hence can work in peace.

Sense of belonging

Involving your employees in decisions of the organization, offering individual and team tasks helps a great way in making an individual worker part of the whole organization. The more you engage your employees, the more they get attached to the company and this helps them attribute the company`s success to theirs hence maximum effort put into their work.


Many employers tend to think that helping their employees build their self-esteem at the workplace is an individuals` work and even some consider it as a breach of privacy. Over time research has proven that how an employee thinks about themselves directly influences how they undertake their tasks. As an employer, you can help them improve their esteem by offering incentives and appreciation gifts for employees depending on the work achieved. You can do this by offering gift vouchers, trips, or even crystal awards which include crystal trophies. These are hard to come by and are a good way to express your gratitude for the good work done. They allow customization of your choice which lets your employee know that you put effort into it hence increasing their motivation at work as they feel appreciated.

Self Actualization

At this stage, you help your employee achieve their full potential by exposing them to more challenging tasks. This forces them to work even harder and by doing so, they can achieve things that they may have considered impossible for them. This helps your employee grow as an individual and this reflects on their performance at work.

3. Improve on Employee Health and Wellness

If your organization involves working with machines hence accident-prone, providing a medical cover goes a long way into assuring your workers that they are safe. Educating them about machine operations beforehand and regular machine checkups and repairs also protect your employees making them more involved in the work. This makes them feel safe and improves their work engagement.

You can also allow your employees some nap time in the afternoon to reduce burnout, avoid distractions and enhance work-life balance.

Mental Health

Checking up on their mental wellness can also improve productivity and you can do this by organizing team-building activities, introducing mental health training sessions, offering flexible working hours, and subscribing them to mindfulness apps among others may ensure that they are mentally capable of producing capable work.

All in all, positive employee engagement helps the business grow as it keeps the staff happy.

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