Home LifestyleTravel How Can You Have An Unbelievable Experience By Visiting The City Of Kolkata?

How Can You Have An Unbelievable Experience By Visiting The City Of Kolkata?

by Monica Barnes

Kolkata is very much beautiful whenever you will be placing it into a camera and will be getting a vision. But on the other hand, personally visiting this particular city and getting the mesmerising beauty through the human eyes is the perfect fantasy for which everybody craves. Hence, staying in this particular city is a very good idea on the behalf of people and can be an absolute treat to the beholder‘s eyes. So, if you are interested to take a walk to north Kolkata and plan the trip to this particular city then you need to depend on the best possible accommodation option in the form of the Oberoi grand Kolkata and the following are some of the most important reasons to go with the option of visiting the city of Kolkata today itself:

How Can You Have An Unbelievable Experience By Visiting The City Of Kolkata

1. The Victoria Memorial: This is the best possible building which will be standing in the heart of the city and is the memory of George Curzon the Viceroy of India. This is the most vital component of Kolkata tourism and the memorial was built to commemorate Queen Victoria between the years 1906-1921. Hence, visiting this particular city is very much important for individuals because of the architectural wonders associated with it and the best possible styling element provided by it along with the British architecture. The place is open from 10 AM to 5 PM all days the week so that people can directly visit it without any kind of doubt.

2. Howrah Bridge: This is considered to be the fourth biggest bridge in the whole world and is probably the best possible location which people will be getting about the city of Kolkata. This bridge is very much capable of connecting the Eastern bank of Howrah to the western banks of Kolkata and the construction has been undertaken in a very brilliant manner. This particular bridge was initiated in the year 1939 and now has been renamed Rabindra Setu to perfectly honour the Rabindranath Tagore whose hometown is Kolkata. Hence, this particular place is considered to be one of the best possible milestones possessed by this particular city.

3. Park Street: This particular street will never sleep and this is the best possible opportunity of enjoying the vibrant nightlife of the city of Kolkata very successfully. The creativity element associated with this particular city will be perfectly made available to people at all times and this is considered to be one of the best possible hangout spots for the individuals throughout the process. It includes plenty of restaurants and pubs so that everybody will be able to enjoy the best possible access to the food options along with the unique culture of this particular street.

4. Southpark Cemetery: This particular area is considered to be one of the most important church cemeteries in the whole world and is very much important to be visited by people whenever they visit the city of Kolkata. This concept has been perfectly protected by the archaeological survey of India and is considered to be the resting place for different kinds of notable personalities. People need to visit this particular place, especially the ones who are politically involved in the topic of the beauty of death.

5. Dakshineshwar Kali Temple: This particular temple is considered to be the temple of Goddess Kali who used to liberate the devoted from the ocean of existence. The manifestation of the Goddess Kali has been perfectly undertaken over here and this particular beautiful temple has been the classic example of Kolkata architecture. The Bengali systems associated over here are very much successful in terms of providing people with the best possible insights into the culture along with architecture which makes it one of the most important historical milestones to be visited by tourists.

6. Fort William: This particular food was initiated by the British East India Company and was reconstructed by the Nawab of Bengal which very well speaks for the history of Kolkata. This has been built on the eastern banks of the Hooghly River and served as the best possible headquarters of the Eastern command wing of the Indian Army. A special permit from the commanding officer is always required to visit this particular place and it is open from 10 AM- 5 PM every day. This is one of the best possible historical places of the city which people need to visit whenever they plan a trip over here.

7. Old China town: This particular city is considered to be one of the best possible homes to the old Chinatown and the Indian market which will be coming alive during the sunset. The Bazaar over here is very much successful in terms of providing people with authentic Chinese street food along with Chinese merchants so that people will be able to indulge themselves in the best possible shopping facilities without any kind of doubt. This is considered to be the best possible opportunity of enjoying the taste of street food in a very well-planned budget system without any kind of hassle.

8. National library: This particular place is the place where you will be finding a vast collection of books from all the parts of India. This particular library is the largest one in the country and is the perfect place for all book lovers and history related people. It is a very huge delight for the individuals to come over here and read the books and enjoy the perfect touch and smell of the old-age books which have been carefully preserved over here.

Apart from all the above-mentioned points visiting the Calcutta botanical Garden and the Santi Niketan is another very important aspect to be taken into consideration by people whenever they plan the trip to this particular city. Hence, considering the accommodation option in the form of the Oberoi grand Kolkata is very much important for people so that they will be able to indulge themselves in the best possible tour of the city without any kind of doubt and have access to the above-mentioned places very efficiently.

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