Home Business How to Promote your Business With Lead Generation Services?

How to Promote your Business With Lead Generation Services?

by Julia Rubalcava

Lead generation services are best for businesses finding new potential customers to increase their sales. Small or startup companies must focus on lead generation to promote their business. Since most lead firms also try hard to improve their sales techniques, they move forward to lead generation services to generate new quality leads.

How to Promote your Business With Lead Generation Services

Moreover, suppose any business trying to achieve outstanding sales results and grow faster. In that case, they must hire a lead generation specialist. Most of the time, small or emerging businesses are finding efficient and effective ways to generate new quality leads. You can hire professional lead generation agency by searching Lead generation Services near me on the Google.

Continue reading the article to collect ideas to promote your business using a lead generation service company.

What are the categories of lead generation services?

There are two basic categories in which lead generation services fall. You can use both lead generation categories to promote your business.

Inbound lead generation:

It is a marketing strategy used by lead generator specialists to drive potential clients towards a business. Leads who contact you through any reference or contact directly are your inbound leads. In this lead generation service, content and different social media campaigns are used to convert visitors into leads. Following are some ways to generate more leads promptly.

  • SEO services
  • Pay per click (PPC)
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Create an interesting video ( A video that explains the product/service in detail)
  • Share different ideas through blogs
  • Appealing website layout and design

Outbound lead generation:

It is a marketing strategy to attract those customers who are not aware of your service/product. Leads generated through proactive, direct contact started by you are your outbound leads. You have to send out your sales representative to engage your potential leads in this strategy. Following are some methods that are used to communicate with potential leads.

  • Direct mail
  • Advertising (Newspapers, brochures, etc.)
  • Cold calling
  • Email marketing
  • Social selling


You may be thinking about which lead generation category you should use to promote your business. Keep reading the article to determine which type of lead generation category is the best fit for your business depending on the following factors.

Speed of execution:

Inbound lead generation requires patience. It is a slow process, mainly if you depend on organic channels such as; referrals, word of mouth, and search. Inbound lead generation uses a content marketing/content creation strategy which takes a lot of time to attract customers.

Outbound lead generation is a fast process as compared to inbound lead generation. There is just a slew of barriers to running a campaign, and as a result, your speed of lead generation will increase promptly.
Moreover, outbound lead generation is easy to generate more leads only if you have strong command over email tools, email copy, and building lists.


It is a crucial factor if you want to generate more quality leads. While marketing, you must determine the awareness level of your customer.

It would be best if you got aware of all the following questions regarding your visitor;

  • Does the person find out that they have a problem?
  • Does the person have identified the problem?
  • Does the person have any idea that the solution to their problem exists?
  • Does the person know that you can surely solve their problem?

There are two types of inbound leads. The one is already exposed to your content, and someone refers to the second lead. However, it is confirmed that both leads surely have some problem and they expect that you can offer them a solution to their problem. Simply, you can say that they have enough awareness of your business. In contrast, the awareness level of an outbound lead is unknown. The chances of high-level awareness are meager. There are some situations in which an outbound lead may involve, such as;

  • You will not receive any response if your lead is unaware of their problem.
  • You may get a response if your lead is aware of their problem but does not know the solution. In this case, you have to educate your lead.
    However, these things will result in a longer sales process.

Lead generation services company:

If you want to find out the best affordable and effective b2b lead generation services in the UK, you must search on the web. Lead generation services pricing vary firm to firm depending on what type of services they are offering.

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