Home Technology How to Land on the Right Virtual Trade Show Platform?

How to Land on the Right Virtual Trade Show Platform?

by Julia Rubalcava

The unprecedented events of the last two years have led to an increase in virtual events across the globe. Events like product launches, conferences, AGMs and even trade shows are now held virtually. All this has resulted in a lot of virtual event platforms. These platforms come with unique features to bridge the gap between a physical and a virtual event. But with so many options available, landing the right virtual event platform can pose a challenge. This article discusses the process you must follow to land on the right virtual trade show platform.

How to Land on the Right Virtual Trade Show Platform

How to Choose the Best Virtual Trade Show Platform?

Give below are the steps to be followed while selecting a virtual trade show platform.

Understand Your Goals and Requirements

The first step to making an informed decision and landing the right virtual event platform is to identify your goals and understand your needs. Make an estimate of the number of attendees you are expecting and the features that might help your event stand out. For instance, a virtual trade show needs to be very engaging and must have the ability to make the customers experience the product. Once, you have decided your priorities, you can go on to explore the various Dynamic virtual event platforms available.

Easy to Use Dynamic Virtual Event Platform

Make sure that the virtual event platform you select is dynamic in nature and is easy to use. It should have clear instructions for both the attendees and the organizers. the platform should be self-explanatory and should be easy to use for the attendees. Moreover, the platform should have seamless navigation and the attendees should find it easy to attend the online event.

Features to Look For

Engagement features play an integral role in making a virtual trade show successful. Discussed below are the key engagement features that the virtual event platform should have.

• Customizable Virtual Booths

A virtual trade show consists of multiple booths by various exhibitors. Many online platforms allow the exhibitors to set up their booths and customize them. These platforms allow you to customize everything right from the design to the colour and size of the icons. It also allows you to add your brand logo to your booth. Therefore, you must ensure that the virtual event platform you select must have a customizable booths feature.

• Dynamic Banner

Another important consideration while planning a virtual trade show is to increase the brand visibility of the sponsors. Dynamic banner is an amazing feature that allows you to display multiple brands at the same time and lets you increase the brand visibility of your sponsors. This feature also helps keep the attendees engaged as you can easily add gifs, infographics, and motivational quotes. Features like a dynamic lobby also let you add animated lights of your choice and music.

• Customized Environment

Having the ability to customize your virtual trade show as per the requirements of the exhibitors and attendees can help you attract more sponsors and increase attendee engagement. This will also help your attendees get a highly immersive and realistic experience.

• Live Polling and Live Chat

Live polls help measure the engagement levels of the attendees. They let you gather data about their opinions and insights. This feature helps you identify the problem areas in real-time and make immediate adjustments. In addition to this, the live chat feature lets the attendees schedule a 1:1 meeting with the exhibitors and indulge in individual and group chats with other attendees.

• Q&A Sessions

Make sure that the virtual event platform you choose, provides engagement features like Q&A sessions that help the attendees interact with the exhibitors and ask any questions regarding the product. This is a great opportunity for the attendees to clarify any doubts that they might have.

• Data Analytics

Data analytics is an essential feature for any virtual trade show platform. The data analytics feature allows you to track complex attendee metrics in real-time and use this information to draw meaningful inferences. This feature helps you get actionable insights into the virtual event. The data analytics feature consolidates all this information and helps make improvements in your future events.

• Easy Joining Process

An easy joining process can go a long way in making your event engaging and interactive. The virtual event platform that you choose must be accessible from all the different devices and browsers. Moreover, the platform should provide browser-based solutions for virtual events. Make sure that the attendees will not have to download separate apps and software to attend the event. Not everyone is as tech-savvy as the young crowd. Therefore, an easy joining process is essential for hosting a virtual trade show.

• Backed with 24×7 Support

Virtual events are highly prone to technical errors leading to the wastage of time and loss of interest. Having a dedicated team to provide 24×7 technical as well as non-technical events is a must-have feature for any virtual event platform.

• Security Features

As an organizer, you would not want the confidential information of your attendees and the exhibitors to get leaked. Therefore, you must select an online event platform that uses two-factor authentication to ensure the safety of your data. Attendee access control is another integral feature that you can look for while making your choice. This feature allows you to keep a track of the people who can attend your event and restrict any unwanted person.

• Excellent Live Audio/Video Tools

Live audio/video calls let the attendees and the exhibitors interact with each other and read their facial expressions. These tools help establish two-sided communication and make the virtual trade show more interactive. It also allows the attendees to meet the exhibitors and other attendees and ask questions related to their products and their features.

Final Words

Landing the right virtual event platform requires you to take a lot of factors into consideration. The features provided by a virtual trade show platform must include live chat, live polls, Q&A sessions, analytics, dynamic banners, live support and security features.

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