Home LifestyleHealth 8 Steps That Will Help You Get Your Posture Back

8 Steps That Will Help You Get Your Posture Back

by Monica Barnes

Poor posture can trigger muscle pain and stress on the body. Conversely, good posture can assist in the development of flexibility, strength, and balance throughout the body. Here are eight ways that you can improve your posture.

Put Down the Phone

One of the biggest contributors to poor posture in today’s digital world is the excessive use of a smartphone. Many people develop a strained spine if they are constantly tilting their heads down to look at their phones. While it may not seem like a lot of time just checking your messages or scrolling through social media feeds, all of these minutes can add up over the course of a day. A good solution is to hold your phone slightly above your head and move your eyes up to see the screen.

Choose Your Chair Wisely

The chair that you spend a lot of time using can be contributing to your poor posture. There is no doubt that periods of prolonged sitting can be detrimental to the health of your spine and back. Active sitting chairs are a type of product that can provide a host of benefits for your overall posture. These chairs encourage you to remain active while sitting, supporting your posture throughout the day. Do not let your choice of office chair wreak havoc on your back.

Wear Heels Sparingly

While heels may make an outfit pop, this type of footwear can also be a posture killer. Shoes with a heel force the base of the spine forward, making the back arch at an extreme angle. This movement changes the way the backbone is positioned, putting additional pressure on the nerves in the back. This is why many women notice that their back hurts more after learning heels. These types of shoes also put more pressure on the knees. It is better to save this type of footwear for special occasions and choose more comfortable shoes for everyday use.

Sleep on a Firm Mattress

Although it may feel great to sink into a soft and fluffy mattress at the end of the day, this indulgence could be hurting your posture. A firm mattress works harder to hold the spine at its natural shape, supporting good posture in the process. If you sleep on your side, be intentional about bending your knees slightly to support better posture. Back sleepers will notice better results in posture if they use a thin pillow rather than a thick one.

Stay Active

Staying active is key to proper posture. Most exercises will improve how you stand and how you feel as a result. Some of the most helpful types of exercises for good posture include non-impact activities such as yoga and tai chi as they help to improve body awareness at the same time as boosting posture.

Strengthen Your Abs

Being committed to staying active is just the start of supporting your posture goals. It is also recommended to perform exercises that strengthen the core of the body. This includes exercise that supports the muscles around the back and the abdomen. Crunches, elbow planks, and flutter kicks are all good choices to strengthen the abs.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

One of the benefits of this physical activity is that you will also be in a better position to maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds have been shown to weaken the abdominal muscles and trigger pain in the lower back. These consequences can negatively impact your posture, making it important that you are diligent about maintaining a healthy weight.

Always be Mindful of Posture

At the end of the day, one of the best things that you can do for the health of your spine is to simply be mindful of your posture. Performing everyday activities such as walking and doing chores around the house are ideal times to pay attention to how you are standing. By being mindful of your posture throughout the day, you will increase the odds that the health of your spine benefits.

Bottom Line

It is important to remember that good posture is more than just standing up straight and looking your best. Practicing good posture techniques will also have long-term benefits for your overall health.

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