Home LifestyleFood & Nutrition 8 Healthy Cereals that are Good for Even the Diabetics

8 Healthy Cereals that are Good for Even the Diabetics

by Monica Barnes

A lot of people think that after getting diagnosed with diabetes, it is simply the end of the world for them. These people are not just under strict surveillance by their family and friends but are also asked to refrain from many food items. If you love taking cereal as your breakfast, you don’t have to give them up; at least! Because do you know that there are multiple healthy cereals that you can still savor?

8 Healthy Cereals that are Good for Even the Diabetics

You get a pack of muesli or any other cereal that we are mentioning in this blog and enjoy your first meal of the day. So before you grab a pack of cereal it is important to know the Glycemic Load and a few other things about it. We will be mentioning a few important things with every kind of cereal that you can have.

Quick understanding about the Glycemic Load

According to the best studies, Glycemic Load (GL) is considered to be the diabetes causing factor. And one should at least know the basics.

  • If your GL is below 10 it means you are low on diabetes
  • If your GL is between 10-19 you are in the medium slot of diabetes
  • If your GL is 20 or higher, it is a high n diabetes case

Basis this, we will be describing the cereal below:

1. Cornflakes

One of the most popular cereal is cornflakes and it is quite extensively produced and consumed. There is a huge variety of corn flakes available in the market but an average tells that Glycemic Load in cornflakes is approximately 23 and the Glycemic Index is around 93. For the diabetics, it is suggested that they should buy nuts, honey, and plain cornflakes because they are the best choices for them.

2. Wheat cream

If you don’t know what wheat cream is; in many parts of the world, it is also known as the cream of wheat. Which has GI 66 and GL 17. This cereal is made with whole-grain wheat and has a smooth texture with good flavour. A good dose of this cereal can supply approximately 11 milligram of iron and minerals.

3. Oatmeal

If you were to search the internet or the market, one of the healthiest options you will get is oatmeal. With a GI 55 and GL 13 it isn’t hard to figure out the healthy meal it is going to be. Taking a good portion or this cereal is going to be good for the diabetic patients too. But there is a suggestion, that you should not take the instant oatmeal maker. It has twice the GL and should be avoided.

4. Cereal made of wheat-bran

When it comes to taking the lowest GL and GI; which is also known to be the best thing- wheat-bran turns out to be the best option. It is processed and served in different ways such as pellets and flakes. You can buy any of those because the nutrition level and value remains the same in both of them.

5. Cereals of rice

This might be a surprise to a lot of people but there are cereals made of rice. And a lot of big brands do sell these types of cereals in the market. It is a healthy option at least more than muesli benefits. This is a great option for diabetics because the GI and GL level per serving in this cereal box is 69 and 14 respectively.

6. Muesli

One of the most sold types of cereals- Muesli is also a healthy option for breakfast. Where many athletes do bank on this food item for all the benefits it has on offer. With GI and GL rating 66 and 16 respectively.

7. Grape Nut

Grape nut is the newest addition to a lot of brands who have tried to make their cereals a bit better than before. Or should we say that they have tried to do a bit better. The GI rating of this cereal is 75 and GL is 16. But a lot of dieticians and doctors have certified that Grape Nut cereals are diabetic friendly and can be consumed by people.

8. Plain Flakes

This is the one that we see on a usual basis. It is the most common and the oldest of all the cereals that are available in the market. If you are referring to someone diabetic, this can be a good choice.


Alright, now you have the names of cereal that you can take. But are you sure that the vendor you are choosing is supplying the best quality? If there is even the slightest of doubts in your head then we would recommend that you get on to the website of Well curve and try some of them. Look for the cereal that are mentioned above and make the smarter choice of eating healthy and staying fit.

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