Home LifestyleHealth 7 Tips to Help New Moms and Baby get a Better Sleep

7 Tips to Help New Moms and Baby get a Better Sleep

by Monica Barnes

Sleep is vital for babies and new moms. The first few weeks can be quite hectic. The resulting sleep deprivation can take a toll and lead to physical and mental health issues if not checked adequately. Read on for useful tips on how to ensure healthier and better sleep for both parents and the newborn.

7 Tips to Help New Moms and Baby get a Better Sleep

Get help with the baby

Caring for a newborn can be quite tasking. Their needs are endless, and there is hardly any downtime during the first few months. Taking on these tasks individually can lead to mental and physical strain on the mother. There is a need to have an extra pair of supportive hands during this period. It would be commendable to have both parents step in and adequately share these tasks among themselves in most cases. Operating in shifts allows both parents to share the stress while still giving the baby ample attention and care. Relatives and other helping aids may also be quite supportive during this time. Relieving the mom’s fatigue and stress allows her to care for the baby properly. There is no flaw in seeking help for the newborn baby.

Sleep when the baby sleeps

Sleep is elusive for mothers catering to newborns. It is commonplace for moms to have their sleep cut short by the demanding cries of their newborns. However, newborns are known to take numerous naps, lasting between 2 to 4 hours. These naps may add up to 16 hours of sleep each day. With the right timing, sleeping while the baby sleeps could allow the mom enough time to sleep and tend to other matters. The mom’s body clock may take time to readjust to these sleep patterns, but it is ultimately doable.

Bedtime routine

Having an established bedtime routine can go a long way in ensuring both the new mom and baby get enough sleep. This routine should be built around grounding, and relaxing activities that help you and the baby fall asleep. It could also enhance the quality of sleep you get. Bathtime before bed is a good option for both the mom and baby. It would be best to avoid screen time and caffeine before bed for better and easier sleep.

Relaxed daytime routines

Adult sleep schedules are heavily impacted by their daytime activities. It would be commendable for new moms to limit strenuous activity during the day to stay refreshed in the evening. This relaxed routine allows them to meet the baby’s needs and get enough rest. Hectic routines coupled with caring for a newborn can be hectic, leading to burnout and depression. Easing back on daytime activities ensures a better rest schedule.

Sleep environment

Setting up an ideal sleep environment for your baby allows them to sleep well. This environment also gives the mom peace of mind and allows them to rest. Baby beds and baby nests should be used on flat surfaces to help keep the baby upright. The environment and swaddling should be sanitary and free of clutter. It would be best to be keen about the temperature of your baby’s sleep environment. An off temperature will make the baby fussy and may be detrimental to their health. The mom and baby’s sleep environment should be soothing, noise-free, smoke-free, and not have bright lighting. It would be best to have the baby’s crib near the mom’s bed for convenience. You may consider a posh peanut swaddle to keep your baby comfy, safe, and secure as they sleep.

Parental leave

Parental leave is a good way for working parents to cater to their newborns and still get enough rest. The rapid changes that come after childbirth can be stressful. Adding work stress to these tasks could be detrimental. Moms also need to bond with their newborns in the first few months. The period for this leave may vary from one employer to the next.


New moms are advised to choose sleep over other activities whenever possible. Moms should prefer sleep over household chores. They may also turn down added responsibility to cater to their kids and rest. It would be good to enlighten those around you of your sleep deprivation for their consideration. Your other kids may also be forced to consider your sleep schedule. It would not be selfish for a new mom to seek enough rest during the first few months. Try implementing these tips to help you and your baby get a better good night’s sleep.

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