Home LifestyleHealth 7 Signs You Should be Concerned About Your Mental Health

7 Signs You Should be Concerned About Your Mental Health

by Monica Barnes

There are many reasons why you should be concerned about your mental health. If you are feeling depressed, not doing well at work or school, or if your relationships with friends and family have been strained. If you see any of the following signs in yourself, you should quickly schedule an appointment with a mental health professional. Here is a list of seven signs you should watch out for.

1. Sleep Problems

Rest is vital to your physical and mental prosperity. If you can’t sleep or are getting very little sleep, negatively impacting your life, you could be more prone to mental health issues.

7 Signs You Should Be Concerned About Your Mental Health

Sleep deprivation causes your brain to release cortisol, which makes you stressed and anxious. It also affects your body’s ability to fight off infections, slows down your metabolism, and can increase the risk of diabetes. Sleep problems are symptoms of depression or anxiety, but they can also indicate a physical sleep disorder like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome.

2. Temper Issues

If you have trouble controlling your temper and snapping at the people around you, you’re unhappy with something in your life. If you struggle to keep calm, it shows that there is something causing stress and tension within yourself. Genuine emotions are a way for the human brain to express feelings, so if you’re constantly angry or upset, it could mean that you’re experiencing some significant changes in your life and haven’t been able to process them.

3. Social Withdrawal

If you’re withdrawing from social situations and not enjoying your time with friends and family, it could be depression. If you always have a reason for why you “aren’t feeling it” when people invite you out, or if you regularly flake on plans at the last minute, it could be that your depression has reached the point where leaving the house is challenging or just no longer enjoyable. It’s time to see a doctor if this becomes the case.

4. Mood Swings

If you have rapid mood changes and feel like you have little control over your emotions or reactions to situations, it could be depression. Depression affects your entire brain, not one emotional thought process or behavior. You can feel sad one moment and angry the next, or even guilty and happy. The trick is recognizing your mood swings and looking at the things in your life that might be causing them.

5. Low Energy

Mental illness can cause your body to go into a resting state where you need less sleep or have tiredness all the time. Often, it’s an indication that a person is dealing with depression. Not only does this lead to unhealthy sleeping habits and all-night appointments at the doctor, but it also makes life harder for others around you. If you’re constantly checked out while in the same room as someone you’re close with, chances are they will notice, which could cause a lot of tension.

6. Drugs and Alcohol

If you use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate, this is a serious problem. If your life is spiralling out of control and you can’t find other ways to deal with your problems, you’ll likely seek help from a substance, which could lead to addiction. Drugs and alcohol can cause depression, and being drunk or high can also make it harder for you to recognize the symptoms of depression. It is always advisable to seek alcohol treatment in Jackson MS or visit other rehab facilities.

7. Impulsivity

If you snap at friends or co-workers or act recklessly and do not think/react rationally, it could be a sign of depression. The truth is that there are no absolute signs of depression, but if you feel that something is wrong with your life and nothing is changing the situation, this would be a good reason to feel concerned about your mental health.


If you’ve noticed that you’re experiencing a few of these symptoms, it could be depression. Another reason to be concerned is if your symptoms leave you unable to enjoy your time with friends and family or cause you to take risks or make impulsive choices. These are all reasons to seek help from a doctor or mental health professional.

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