Home Education 6 Essential Qualities of a Good Playwright

6 Essential Qualities of a Good Playwright

by Monica Barnes

No one writes a perfect play on their first try. It takes years of practice, and even then, there are no guarantees. However, if you want to increase your chances of success as a playwright, make sure you have the following six essential qualities.

1. A Unique Voice

A good playwright has a unique voice that comes through in their writing. This voice is what sets them apart from other playwrights and allows their work to be recognized. A good playwright’s voice is often seen in the way they use language, the characters they create, and the stories they tell.

A good playwright

All of these elements come together to create a distinctive style that is all their own. A good playwright’s voice is one of the things that make their work worth reading or watching. It is what makes their work memorable and worth revisiting again and again.

Without a good playwright’s unique voice, a play would just be another piece of entertainment that soon fades from memory.

2. The Ability to Spot a Good Story

A good playwright must be able to spot a good story. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. A good story isn’t necessarily one with a happy ending or a clear moral lesson.

It doesn’t have to be heartwarming or inspirational. A good story is simply one that is interesting, compelling, and likely to engage the audience. It should be something that the playwright is passionate about and that will get the audience talking long after the curtain has fallen.

A good story is the foundation of any good play, so it’s essential that a playwright have a keen eye for them.

3. Passion and Vision

In order to be a successful playwright, it is essential to have passion and vision. Passion is what will drive you to write plays that are meaningful and enjoyable to watch. It is also crucial to have a clear vision for your plays.
This means being able to see the potential in each character and storyline and then finding ways to bring that vision to life on the stage.

Without passion and vision, it will be difficult to write plays that people will want to see. So, if you want to be a successful playwright, make sure you have plenty of both!

4. Determination

Determination is a quality that is essential for any playwright who wants to be successful. The reality is that very few people make it in the world of theater. For every play that makes it to Broadway, there are hundreds that never make it past community theater.

And of those that do make it to Broadway, only a handful will run for more than a few weeks. So, what separates the wheat from the chaff? Determination. The playwrights who make it are the ones who are determined to see their work produced, no matter what.

They manage to get their plays read by agents and producers, they track down the funding to produce their plays themselves, and they never give up on their dream.

5. An Understanding of Human Nature

A good playwright must understand human nature if they want to write a successful play. After all, humans are the characters in the play and their actions drive the plot.

A playwright needs to be able to understand why people do the things they do in order to create believable characters that the audience can connect with.

They also need to know how to create conflict and tension between characters in order to keep the audience engaged. Without an understanding of human nature, a playwright will not be able to create a successful play.

6. A Sense of Humor

A great playwright must have a sharp sense of humor. After all, laughter is the best medicine, and a good playwright knows how to use it to their advantage. A playwright with a sense of humor can take a light-hearted approach to difficult subjects, making them more palatable for audiences.

They can also use humor to poke fun at the foibles of humanity, highlighting our commonalities and leaving audiences chuckling in recognition.

In addition, a sense of humor can be used to diffuse tense situations and add levity to scenes that might otherwise be heavy-handed. Whether used for comic relief or social commentary, a sense of humor is an essential quality for any great playwright.


These six qualities are essential for any good playwright. Without them, it will be difficult to create successful and enjoyable plays. So, if you’re aspiring to be a playwright, make sure you work on honing these qualities!

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