Home LifestyleFitness 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid on Your Weight Loss Journey

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid on Your Weight Loss Journey

by Monica Barnes

Summer is right around the corner which means that many people are looking to shed a few pounds before swimsuit season. The noblest of weight loss goals will fall short if you are not careful to avoid some of the more prevalent pitfalls. Here are six of the most common mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight.

1. Eating Diet Foods

Do not make the mistake of choosing foods labeled as “diet” or “low-fat” thinking that this designation means that they are healthy. Some of these foods may actually have the opposite effect of helping you to lose weight. For example, many of the foods marketed as low fat are actually full of calories. Just because something is low in fat, it does not mean that it is low in calories.

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid on Your Weight Loss Journey

In addition, low fat or diet products also often leave you feeling hungrier, causing you to overeat later in the day. It is better to choose a wide array of whole foods while steering clear of processed foods. Filling up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is a smart choice.

2. Not Supplementing

Many people tend to cut calories so drastically when trying to lose weight that they end up missing out on crucial nutrients. You can guard against this happening by being intentional about taking a daily vitamin and supplement.

A targeted antioxidant supplement will ensure that you are nourishing your body with the right vitamins and minerals for optimal health. For example, an Açaí seed extract supplement delivers a host of crucial polyphenols, boosting your overall health even if you are cutting calories in an effort to shed pounds.

3. Consuming Too Many Sugary Beverages

One of the best ways to lose weight easily is to cut out all sugary beverage intake. Depending on your prior drinking habits, you may be consuming thousands of calories per week without even realizing it.

Start with switching your daily latte to simple black coffee with a non-fat creamer or sweetener, if needed. Other sugary beverages that are full of needless calories include sodas and fruit juice. If you cannot break your daily smoothie habit, make sure that it uses fruit or vegetables as the base rather than sugary juice or yogurts.

4. Using Exercise as an Excuse to Overeat

On the flip side of not exercising at all is using your daily workout as an excuse to overeat. It takes an intense sweat session to burn off a serving of French fries. The last thing that you want to do is to negate your hard work in the gym by following it up with a big piece of chocolate cake.

It is also common for people to overestimate how many calories they burned during a workout session. While exercise is certainly a key component in a healthy weight loss plan, it is important to be realistic about how many calories you are actually burning.

5. Neglecting to Track What You Eat

Tracking every bite of food that you put in your mouth is a great way to keep you accountable. Not only should you be tracking your total calories, but you should also keep track of the amount of protein, fiber, fat, and carbs that you consume.

Knowing all of these figures will provide you with a more accurate account of your overall nutrient consumption, helping you to make smart adjustments as needed to encourage weight loss. You can also use these trackers to log your physical activity. In today’s connected world, it is easier to keep track of all of this information so that you feel empowered to make better decisions.

6. Not Eating Enough Protein

Lastly, if weight loss is your goal, it is imperative that you focus on eating plenty of protein. Protein has been shown to increase feelings of satiation, reduce appetite, maintain your metabolism rate, and build muscle mass. All of these elements will translate to a faster rate of weight loss.

Good sources of protein when weight loss is your goal include chicken, fish, beans, legumes, eggs, quinoa, and flaxseeds. Varying your protein choices will ensure that you do not get bored with your meals.

Closing Thoughts

Avoiding these common dieting pitfalls will put you well on your way to achieving all of your weight loss goals.

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