Home LifestyleHealth 5 Things to Expect if Considering Invisalign

5 Things to Expect if Considering Invisalign

by Monica Barnes

Ever thought of achieving well-realigned teeth through the use of plastic aligners straightening technique? Well, you can get assistance from an orthodontic for a clear aligner and get that desired look you want. However, before considering Invisalign treatment, there are certain things you should expect. This article will guide you on some of the top five things to expect if considering Invisalign.

1. Mild Pain At First

Just like bracelets, the clear aligners will exert some pressure on your teeth as they intend to realign the position of your unevenly placed teeth. This pressure will result in some mild pain causing discomfort within your gums. Even though the pain is manageable, at first it may be stressful. But with time your dental system will adapt to it and regain the comfort.

5 Things to Expect if Considering Invisalign

The discomfort is notorious during the early days of receiving teeth Invisalign treatments do the obvious of introducing a foreign material into your teeth. Also, the shifting of your teeth largely occurs within the first days of wearing new aligners. Nevertheless, you can suppress the pain and discomfort using cold compresses, such as drinking cold water. Similarly, pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can assist you to manage the pain.

2. New Aligners Are Won For At Least 20-22 Hours A Day

After receiving your new clear aligners, the orthodontist will advise you to wear the newly acquired aligners for 20-22 hours per day. Remember the more often you wear the aligners the faster your teeth realignment.

Invisalign orthodontic treatment may demand more discipline in ensuring you minimize the time to take the aligner out of your teeth. Your orthodontic will recommend a maximum break period of 2hrs which includes time for eating. Failure to heed this advice can slow down your Invisalign treatment process.

3. The Treatment Length Varies For Each Person

As you consider Invisalign teeth realignment, note that the process completion varies for each patient. The difference in the period of achieving the desired outcome will depend on the present conditions of your teeth alignments. For instance, if you only have a few teeth that are misplaced, then your treatment may take a shorter time.

However, if your current teeth alignment state needs a complete or even half realignment, then the Invisalign teeth may require more time to fully shift and rearrange your teeth. Typically, as an adult, Invisalign treatment takes a maximum of one year. Always consult with your doctor and get the exact time your treatment may take.

4. You Will Remove Invisalign Aligners When Eating

Anytime you eat food, you will remove your aligners. However, you don’t have to remove them while taking water. Grinding and chewing of food substances can warp your aligners. Likewise, taking beverages can stain your Invisalign teeth. Don’t worry your orthodontic will recommend to you the correct diet for Invisalign treatment. Otherwise, during your meal hours, carefully remove the aligners and store them in the carrying case.

Unlike metal bracelets, Invisalign plastic aligners don’t hinder you from your eating habit by creating discomfort in your mouth. You simply take them off at the appropriate time and enjoy your meals. Frequent uptake of water while wearing aligners is highly encouraged. Water helps clean up your teeth aligners as well as moisten them to eliminate the discomfort that comes with a dry mouth. Generally, water plays a significant role in fastening the straightening of your teeth.

5. You Will Have To Set Aside Extra For Dental Care

After receiving your first Invisalign treatment, you will need to reorganize your routine to accommodate time for checkups. Averagely, you may continuously see your doctor daily for a period of four to six weeks for quick checkups.

Also, your new aligners will demand more attention for cleanups and care contrary to your usual dental upkeep routine. With Invisalign treatment, you have to carefully and properly brush your teeth. Similarly, you will need to conduct thorough flossing to your teeth are remove interproximal dental plaque (not healthy for your new aligners). Failure to floss your teeth can lead to more pain due to more pressure exerted on your teeth by the stuck plaque.

Generally, as you plan to go for teeth straightening treatment, be sure of things to expect and digest before committing. They are critical to the healing process of your teeth and failure to bid by them can be detrimental to achieving the desired result.

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