Home BusinessAutomobile 5 Signs Your Vehicle Needs a Routine Engine Check

5 Signs Your Vehicle Needs a Routine Engine Check

by Monica Barnes

While today’s vehicles are some of the luxurious machines fitted with the lasted technology, it is important to subject them to regular auto maintenance to reduce the chances of engine failure. The new computing technology in today’s cars and trucks is not proof to make them invulnerable. Therefore, paying attention to the signs displayed by your car or truck and visiting an auto shop for diagnosis is critical. Below are some major signs that your vehicle needs a regular engine checkup.

1. Knocking Sound

A continuous and restless knocking noise emerging under the hood indicates that your car engine has a mechanical problem. Usually, the recurrent tape-like sound shows your engine bearings are worn out and need to be replaced. The bearings act as the shoulder that shields major parts of the engine, and when not well lubricated, they are likely to wear out, causing the knocking sound. In cases when the problem is quickly identified, an oil top-up to the engine bearings will sort the problem.

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However, in the situation of massive breakdown, where the knocking is overstayed with no lubrication, it can lead to overheating of the spark-plug point and erosion of the combustion chamber surface. Unfortunately, when your car experiences such, you will be forced to replace the whole car engine.

2. Excessive Amount of Exhaust Smoke

Do you sometimes notice your car releasing thick smoke? Yes, this points to a mechanical problem causing the coolant to burn. The combustion within the coolant could be caused by a damaged head gasket, dented cylinder, or even on the engine block. For the reasons mentioned above, your car or truck will produce either black, blue, or white smoke. Each of these smokes indicates different malfunctions within your can engine. For example, black smoke shows the combustion chamber receiving excess gasoline. At the same time, white smoke indicates that the car coolant is cracked and thus leaks inside the engine, leading to overheating. Lastly, the blue smoke is a sign of an oil leak.

3. Low Performance.

While it is normal for your car engine performance to decrease with time while on the road, a sudden drop in your car speed should worry you, the performance also decreases when your car is experiencing low compression due to a clogged air filter, dirty fuel filter, and bad fuel injection. And so, when you notice a car having a problem while trying to speed up, visit your nearest auto shop for checkups or visit Youramazingcar.com for updates.

4. Low Idle

Identifying a rough idle in your vehicle may sometimes sound difficult, especially when your car is experiencing mild back-and-forth movements. However, cars with a severe shaking and bouncing sensation indicate a rough idle. You will also likely discover some odd sounds and a serious inconsistency in your RPM counts, which supersedes the normal range rate of about 1000.

Low or rough car idling is usually caused by faulty idle air control valves, leaking vacuums, or ignition system failures and problem within the fuel pump. Consequently, a rough idle in your scan results in reduced fuel economy, poor performance, ignition difficulties, and engine failure.

Experiencing a rough time when you stop your car caused by the erratic movements of the RPMs indicates engine malfunction thus necessitating an engine checkup.

5. Worsening Gas Mileage

Poor gas mileage in your car can be caused by bad oxygen sensors and air filters, affecting the fuel mixture process and hence reducing car fuel efficiency. Poor oxygen sensors and air filters can contribute to about 20 percent of your car’s gas mileage. For a professional remedy to the clogged air filters, visit undisputed auto shops like European Auto Repair in Austin and have your air filters replaced. Other causes of poor vehicle gas mileage include backfiring spark plugs, bad fuel injectors, continuous running air conditioners, low friction, and reduced motor oil.

Generally, making it a tradition of having a regular auto checkup on your vehicle will save you from major engine problems. Using your vehicle dashboard helps determine whether the car needs to be diagnosed and any other further repair. Engine failure is usually caused by other components tied to the engine; in most cases, the malfunctions begin as minor and later develop into a major engine problem.

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