Home LifestyleHome Improvement 5 Must Haves in your Home for Winter Season

5 Must Haves in your Home for Winter Season

by Monica Barnes

Winter is a great time to stay inside and enjoy the comforts of home, but there are some must-haves you should have in your home to make winter more manageable. Here are five things you should have in your home for the winter season:

1. Furnace or heat pump

A working furnace is one of the essential things in your home this winter. It keeps your home warm and dry during the cold months. It’s not only how you’ll stay warm but also keeps your pipes from freezing. A working furnace is a key to avoiding frozen pipes, which can lead to burst pipes, flooding, and other costly consequences. If you have a gas furnace, it should be inspected annually by a qualified technician. If your heat source is electric, ensure your electrical system is up to code and working properly. If you have any doubt about whether or not your furnace works properly, have an HVAC professional check it out before the first cold snap hits to figure out if you need a furnace replacement in St Albert or not.

5 Must Haves in your Home for Winter Season

2. Carbon monoxide detector

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas produced when fossil fuels like oil, gas, or kerosene are burned at high temperatures. This can occur without adequate ventilation if you use any fuel-burning appliance — such as a furnace, water heater, or wood-burning stove. The symptoms of CO poisoning are similar to those of flu, so you may not know you have been exposed until it’s too late. Install a carbon monoxide detector on every floor of your home and test them monthly before using them as a reminder to change the batteries. If you suspect you have a carbon monoxide leak, get out of the house immediately and call for help.

3. Extra blankets and warm clothing

During cold weather conditions, having extra blankets on hand can help keep you warm if your heater breaks down or stops working because of a power outage. Blankets and pillows are essential for keeping warm when the temperature drops outside. If you have small children or pets who sleep on their blankets, ensure they have their blanket, so they don’t accidentally pull yours off the bed! Also, ensure that everyone in your family has warm clothing that covers their head and hands in case they need to go outside unexpectedly — hats are essential because they protect your ears from frostbite during extreme temperatures.

4. First aid kit, gloves, masks, and flashlight

If an emergency happens, you’ll need to know how to treat cuts and scrapes and what to do if someone is choking or bleeding from an injury. This kit should include bandages and gauze pads in various sizes, adhesive tape, scissors, antiseptic wipes and ointment packets, a triangular bandage wrap, antibiotic ointment packets, latex gloves, and a CPR mask/face shield (if purchased separately). Ensure every household member knows how to perform CPR. In addition, having gloves and masks in your first aid kit will help protect you from germs if someone has an infectious disease like the flu or strep throat.

Then have a flashlight with extra batteries or a hand crank charger. You never know when the power will go out during a storm or for other reasons, such as bad weather conditions or downed trees on power lines. Having flashlights on hand means you won’t have to worry about being stuck in a dark house without electricity during a storm since flashlights allow you to see in the dark without using any electricity!

5. Space heater

A space heater is your best friend during the winter months. They are inexpensive and can keep you warm in bed, watching TV, or reading a good book. They can pose a fire hazard if used improperly or not properly maintained; however, they can provide much-needed warmth during cold spells and power outages when used properly with caution. Use space heaters only in areas where you will be present; never use them while sleeping or leave them unattended. Before purchasing a space heater, ensure it has been tested by an independent laboratory specializing in testing electrical products. Also, don’t forget to follow all safety precautions when using your heater!

Winter can be an excellent time to slow down and enjoy all the season offers. A clean and cozy home is the best remedy to fight the winter blues. It provides you with a warm and welcoming space and makes you feel confident and energized, regardless of the cold weather outside. With these tips in mind, there’s no reason you can’t spend a cozy winter inside your own home and enjoy every minute of it.

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