Home LifestyleHealth 4 Simple Tips For Fasting Healthy During Ramadan 2022 UK

4 Simple Tips For Fasting Healthy During Ramadan 2022 UK

by Julia Rubalcava

Fasting during Ramadan 2022 UK dates transmit a high risk of dehydration as food and drink are limited to before sunrise and after sunset. Also, as fasting individuals are encouraged to wake up very early to have their Suhoor (or pre-dawn meal), sleep deficiency and dehydration can lead to headaches.

The UK time “Healthy fasting is likely if you consume the right foods and in the right quantity,” advises the Section of United Kingdom ​Dietetics, a member of the Health​ group. Here are some tips for healthy fasting:

1. Don’t omission Suhoor (pre-dawn meal)

As the saying goes, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And during Ramadan 2022, it becomes even more important! Although skipping Suhoor to have continuous sleep may sound appealing, you shouldn’t.

during Ramadan 2022

Skipping Suhoor extends the fasting period as your body will essential to rely on the previous mealtime to provide you with all the nutrients and energy pending Iftar (breakfast). Due to the long hours of fasting, you are more likely to feel dehydrated and tired during the day of fasting. Also, skipping Suhoor encourages eating too much during Iftar, which can cause unhealthy weight gain.

2. Don’t eat too much during Iftar (breakfast)

Just as it is not advisable to omit Suhoor, eating too much when it is time to break the fast can destroy your body. Iftar should be a well-balanced, nutritious mealtime and not a feast! Overeating and extreme consumption of high-fat foods in specific may result in indigestion and weight gain. Slow down and enjoy each swallow of your food.

3. Avoid intake of deep-fried foods, salted foods, and high-sugar foods

It is not rare for fasting individuals to prize themselves with rich, greasy, fried, and sugary dishes that come at mealtime. Although these foods make you feel good in the short term, they can make fasting the next day more difficult.

Say No to Unhealthy Foods:

Sideways from unhealthy food cause weight gain, consuming fatty and sugary foods also cause sluggishness and exhaustion. In addition, you should limit your eating of salt, especially during Suhoor (pre-dawn meal), as this increases thirst.

As an alternative, try incorporating foods from all the major food groups including fruit and vegetables, rice and replacements, as well meat and alternatives. Consuming fibre-rich foods during Ramadan 2022 UK dates is also ideal as they digested slower than administered foods so you feel full longer.

4. Drink as plentiful water as possible

Drinking as plentiful water as possible between Iftar (breakfast) and Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) decreases your risk of dehydration during fasting. Make every exertion to drink at least 8 glasses of liquids daily before dawn and after sundown.

Juices include fluids, milk, drinks, and soups but water is the best choice. Ideally, you should also cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and colas as these have a diuretic drug effect and induce fluid loss. A well-balanced diet is vital to healthy fasting during Ramadan 2022.

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